Numpy is good for that. But, I gravitate toward naturally faster langs where I don’t need to import a library for speed. I use Python for simple, dumb scripts.
Numpy is good for that. But, I gravitate toward naturally faster langs where I don’t need to import a library for speed. I use Python for simple, dumb scripts.
Nah. I only used AI as a last resort, and in my case, it has worked out. I cannot see myself using AI for codes again.
I don’t understand the code, but it’s good to see you doing things.
Sometimes, I just rewrite my code until it is good enough. Other times, I leave it to my memory, so I can figure it out later. And others, I’m just not happy about it, like the times I did bigbin2dec and it would only work well with something like thread-ripper.
It means that I made changes to code, so that it can work with any multi-threading strategy. G’MIC is a interpretative language with JIT support, and you don’t have any control over automated multi-threading strategy. It can be thread 0 to thread N linearly, or even interleaved. So, the workaround is to make a image of size equal to cpus count, and do the multithreading there.
Yeah, I love image processing, I worked on it for 8+ years now.
I use it for scripting too. I don’t need Python as much as before nowaday.
As always, I do image processing. I’m a G’MIC filter developer. Recently, did some code changes to my combinatorics tools to be insensitive to multi-threaded strategy.
Just use Rust. Eazy Peazy. C++ will likely be still be used because it’s just not realistic for some softwares to switch to a safer programming language.
Uh, that would be infuriating to see. (Yes, I can see tabs in KDE Kate)
What if you use tabs for indentations and space for alignment?
What if you prefer a DSL? I use G’MIC for image processing tasks.
I moved to Waterfox recently. Google Chrome, hell no.
I use states, but no classes. G’MIC is my main language. I do appreciate the functional way of thinking after writing in it for so long. States are just variables that defines the mode of something, right?
I dislike Python as well, but it has it place. I only use it for quick code tests before doing it in other languages.
G’MIC solution
it day2
crop. 0,0,0,{h#-1-2}
split. -,{_'\n'}
foreach { replace_str. " ",";" ({t}) rm.. }
foreach {
({h}) a[-2,-1] y
store temp
repeat $num_of_attempts {
if $> eval da_remove(#-1,$>-1) fi
eval "
if $>
if ${} safe_1+=1 break fi
if ${} safe_0,safe_1+=1 break fi
echo Day" "2:" "${safe_0}" :: "${safe_1}
People should use less Ai, and learn more how to program
Yes. Once you know how, you can see pitfalls with AI.
Interesting, but I never needed AI for coding. Well, twice, and I had to do changes, but would not use AI to generate code.
My small Python (~100 lines of codes) codes aren’t maintainable, but I’m happy with them. I don’t ever plan to work on serious projects with Python, so I can’t say much about it’s maintainability. But, from limited experience, I’d rather use C++, C#, or in my special case, G’MIC if maintainability matters to me.
Not what I’m saying. Just saying if I need speed, I’d use a naturally faster language.