I must post more, just a lurker.
That’s it! South African Astronomical Observatory - Sutherland Observing Station
This driver has caused heavy stuttering and introduced consistent crashing in Battlefield 2042 for me, and had to revert back to 24.5.1
To each their own, I quite like it. I do get you though, it could make better use of the white space. On the other hand, it fills out my vertical monitor quite nicely:
The joys of responsive website design I guess.
This looks like the art style of those Telegram update banners.
See you at Origin next year!
This was my gateway to punk rock back in the day and still holds a special place in my heart. Love the album from start to finish.
I can still hear the “Welcome… to… Ameri… Cana…”
Kids aren’t alright still hits hard, Pay the Man is also on my regular playlist.