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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024


  • sickdaytoRuby[Question] What LSP Are You Using?
    6 months ago

    now i’m confused about why solargraph, which is said to be mature, can’t do that

    It’s important to note that ruby-lsp is made by Shopify, and is currently used in-house by the company. The resources they can invest into ruby-lsp both in terms of development man-power and project management is naturally going to be higher than the community developed solargraph.

    and also i just realized it when i used map instead of select; the methods appeared.

    That’s strange, but Enumerable#map and Enumerable#select have different uses. One is used to execute a block across a collection of elements, while the other constructs a new collection based on the block passed to a collection and the results of evaluating that block against each element.

    wanna try RubyMine but i already comfortable in neovim. since RubyMine is an IDE i think my machine can’t handle that lol.

    I use RubyMine on my desktop and it’s a very solid development experience. I’ll say that if your machine can’t quite handle RubyMine, VS Code(ium) is a nice alternative with the solargraph or ruby-lsp plugins. I don’t know if they’ll have the same completion issue as neovim though.

  • sickdaytoRuby[Question] What LSP Are You Using?
    6 months ago

    Interesting. I’ve had this issue before and I’ve concluded that both LSP gems don’t really have a great solution to this problem. It crops up for me in both some code blocks and nested blocks. The solargraph maintainers have provided a solution for user-defined Classes here, but that’s not really applicable in your case.

    Being frank, I would open an issue with both LSPs with your code example to get a better idea of what’s actually going on here and what potential solutions you can explore. Sorry I couldn’t offer more insight here

  • sickdaytoRuby[Question] What LSP Are You Using?
    6 months ago

    I used solargraph for a really long time and it mostly suited all my needs, but I’ve seen it chew through memory in resource-bound environments (laptops with > 8GB RAM). Solargraph is very mature and is actively developed as of today. I’d say it’s still a very fine choice for anyone needing some LSP features in a text editor.

    Personally, I switched to ruby-lsp some time back and haven’t needed anything else but my requirements aren’t the norm. I spend a lot of time in a terminal with tmux, vim/helix (which has ootb support for solargraph), and a handful of monitoring tools.

    Overall, I would say solargraph should fit the bill for most users. Ruby-LSP is great if solargraph isn’t cutting it for you in some way.

  • Yeah see that’s the sort of conclusive mindset that’s got us here. I don’t mean to insinuate you’re wrong for coming to that conclusion, but “It costs money or effort so let’s use a worse option because it’s convenient” is part of the reason we don’t have a lot of good solutions in this domain.

    I’ll also admit the options these days are limited depending on your goals for a project. If you want to reach the most eyes and have the highest draw of potential contributors, having a discord server makes sense. My gripe is when technical discussion or support take place there.

  • Honestly, I’ve noticed an uptick in the number of discourse forums for tech related things and I’m all for that. Discourse is documented well and maintained openly, it’s indexable by search engines and you can visit and use discourse-based web forums using browsers that aren’t capable of js rendering (think lynx). The last bit is a nice-to-have for me, but just being indexable is huge.

    In 10 years, I would hate it if every answer I gave or got from a developer is lost to an endless abyss of messages buried deep in an obscure discord guild that a user would have to sift through only after making an account with and installing specific chat software. I hate there being so many hurdles in front of just getting answers. That’s a good tl;dr as to why discord is on my shitlist for support/development discussion platforms.