For fuck’s sake just name him
For fuck’s sake just name him
Wordle 1,343 5/6
Using Voyager App on Android, it appears that the syntax highlighting defaults to SQL for code blocks without a specified language?
Went climbing at the gym, went snowboarding, working on setting up the *arr stack + kodi on a raspi5 for a friend. I’m curious to see how well it performs with downloading and serving video content. Getting a (pretty old, well-used creality) 3d printer out of it… new hobby??
I’ve heard this from other educators as well! What do you think the ramifications are down the line with people knowing less and less about how computers actually function?
I mean, I guess mechanics have jobs because most people know how to use a gas pedal and steering wheel, but not how an internal combustion engine works?
Weirdest one for me yet
Wordle 1,338 6/6
Wordle 1,334 3/6
Connections Puzzle #611
Skill 95/99
1 in 28 uniqueness
In three!
Wordle 1,331 3/6
Which faith? Why doesn’t the announcement declare that all faiths will be equally represented and defended? Why is she a christian pastor? What.The. FUCK. Happened to separation of church and state?
Oof. Got there
Wordle 1,329 5/6
From what we saw (from 5-ish to 8pm), there were cops & protesters directing traffic, and it seemed there were a decent amount of people in the march we did on the streets surrounding the capitol – part of it we went down Broadway. I saw some numbers on Mastodon that earlier in the day it got to 4,000 people. Don’t know the actual tally though.
I’m 5-6 years into my career now, and there are still a couple greybeard-level types I can ask when I run into a real puzzle, but the need to do so has been shrinking as the years have gone on; I’ve gotten better at finding my own answers. During my first job I was on two different teams where a mentor took me under their wing. These were people who I could turn to for design advice, technical questions, insight on best practices, etc. For me, as a curious and extroverted person, this was invaluable learning experience.
Your experience may be different, but to me it’s always good to have a solid group of people (coworkers, internet social network, even just stack overflow) I can rubber duck to or ask for input, discuss new technologies, learn from or learn with.
Coding a project of significant size is a collaborative process, and I think you’ll find that if you approach it with openness and curiosity, you’ll end up with mentors, peers, and mentees of your own at any given time.
Got it in 3
Wordle 1,327 3/6
Not too bad
Wordle 1,324 3/6
Got so lucky
Wordle 1,321 2/6
The irony of the image being Shanghai’s skyline…
Puzzle #587
Skill 95/99 Uniqueness 1 in 25
😂 Thanks for the chuckle – though also… I’d read that I think