it’s related to the GPS fix. So which is it ?
it’s related to the GPS fix. So which is it ?
Are you owning the DoH endpoint ? if not, they can :)
I live in a country where the state doesn’t care about what people do online.
Lucky YOU !!!, but it’s not meaning other country will not track you…
What similar quick image sharing site should I use?
It’s a really good question ! Sadly a lot of website admin do not understand the harm to use solution like Cloudflare etc… see for a short introduction
I think it would be wise to open a topic for that question only
And again thanks four your inkscape solution
Thank you ! it works !
Actually this is working :
path/to/venv/bin/gunicorn A_Web_App:app
Some other poster, claim it’s dirty… but which problems could it generate ? (if any)
Thanks all !!!
I don’t want to make the venv
I want to use the gunicorn
that is installed in one venv
accessible to other venv
ok I’ve found a work around
.FlexColumn {display: flex;flex-flow: column nowrap }
.FlexColumn > div {display: inline-block; margin: -4px 0}
<div class="FlexColumn">
But if someone have something more proper, I’m all ears.
AppImage !
Matrix \
Thank you very much @taaz
So you say 2 but with unix socket
so it the same as my proposal number 3 ? no ?
I’ll check capabilities
indeed I need it to be scriptable.
Thank you @[email protected] sadly it’s hosted on google … :/
If I post here on lemmy, me feature request somebody would be kind to submit to google ?