what is #>= operator?
That’s newspeak, the more traditional version would be: Chój mnie to obchodzi - I care a dick about it - or mam to w dupie - I have that up my arse.
Well, it is the most Spanish version of the language there is.
My fiancée told me to read Dracula, so that’s what I’m reading now - between the 1st time she told me and now I’ve read the Green Mile and the Running Man, so I couldn’t postpone it any longer.
I’m listening to At the Mountains of Madness after having finished the Fall of Hyperion, as a break from Hyperion Cantos.
Without you I wouldn’t know Stormlight 5 was released. Hope you enjoy Witcher.
one of the situations in which it should be “for lil bro and me”
what’s an example of password that can be guessed by logic?
fleeting whim of a service industry job in Europe means 3 months notice though
Moulin Rouge reference?
type NonEmptyArray<T> = [T, ...T[]];
function isNonEmptyArray<T>(arr: T[]): arr is NonEmptyArray<T> {
return arr.length > 0;
function neverEmpty<T>(array: T[]): NonEmptyArray<T> | null {
if (!isNonEmptyArray(array)) return null
return array
of course