Any gain is a gain. I had to learn this after Bitcoin. Bought a bunch at $100 a pop, sold them later when it hit $250 a pop. This was a day or two before it skyrocketed to ~$1400. Kicked myself then, but came to terms. Now look at them lol.
Nice. Software developer, gamer, occasionally 3d printing, coffee lover.
Any gain is a gain. I had to learn this after Bitcoin. Bought a bunch at $100 a pop, sold them later when it hit $250 a pop. This was a day or two before it skyrocketed to ~$1400. Kicked myself then, but came to terms. Now look at them lol.
The thing about morality is that it is subjective (granted there is some discourse on that whole topic).
Whether it is immoral - there are societal groups that would consider it immoral. There are also ones who wouldn’t find anything wrong with it.
IMO, what ultimately matters is your own morality, and past that, how those you care about would view it (their morality).
Harmful is a whole other topic with a lot of facets though. That I can’t help with.
Just like you can’t directly contribute to Gnome without using gitlab.gnome.org, you can’t directly contribute to Lemmy without GitHub.
Or rather, easily. If you’re submitting something simple, you could communicate with Lemmy Devs over Matrix and ask if they’re amenable to receiving a git patch they can create the PR for. https://join-lemmy.org/docs/contributors/01-overview.html
It really depends on the job. My 9-5 is hybrid, so 3 days in a week minimum, others can be remote. We have core hours, 10-4, where I should be available. So I can WFH and have something for 4PM, get back, and wrap up my last hour. But my boss is also very understanding, and if I need to be unavailable within core hours, he won’t force me to take PTO if I make up those hours.
To be fair, bimbofication / bimbofying, as a kink / fetish, can describe turning anything into that, even if they happen to (formerly) be a middle aged balding man who wasted an unmentionable amount of money on cards.
The deck represents their accumulation of knowledge, and the graveyard represents the loss of it. Therefore, the goal is to cause their opponent to lose all their knowledge, thus becoming a “bimbo”.
Coincidentally, I just found out about Floorp yesterday, in no relation to this ToS change, and will take a look at it soon. Keep in mind I haven’t looked at all yet, so I have no clue if they have a worse ToS or something.
Agreed, OP’s example is not enshittification. OPs example is just a shitty product release that didn’t maintain feature parity with the old product.
I mean it sounds like a removable mesh pool fence is what you need. The holes might be permanent, but properly installed inserts would make them less conspicuous.
AI generated. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/elon-musk-shirtless-harkonnen-photo
These are real though: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/elon-musk-shirtless-in-mykonos
I hate Comcast/Xfinity with such a passion I tell myself if I had the same hatred for a person I’d be in jail for murder.
Not only did they impose their “trial data caps” in my area and charge me out the ass for going over 2TB a month, I acceded once to being upsold and was told it was completely reversible within a month. After realizing the sales shithead lied to me about the features, I called to revert. Guess what? They couldn’t. It wasn’t something they could do. Fortunately I recorded all my calls, but even with that it took me more than 30 hours of phone and chat time to get it fixed, and the agent who finally helped me had to setup a recurring account credit to fix it. Absolutely horrid. She basically clarified, without saying it outright, that the sales shithead lied to my face because they’re practically encouraged to.
Long story short my home purchase decision was influenced greatly by those shitheads not being in the area, and just seeing an ad makes me want to vandalize it. It’s the only thing I hate with this much passion.
My first impression from the adhesion issue (which doesn’t appear to be the main issue of this post) is that you may need to clean your build plate. But considering it was relatively good as it is, I assume you did and the few spots may just be accidental touches to the surface. In either case, their guide is here: https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/filament-acc/acc/pei-plate-clean-guide
As for the extrusion issue - considering the apparent randomness of it my guess would be either an issue with the filament or a partial clog.
It means neither. It’s a commonly used term when roleplaying post-apocalyptic scenarios to denote “before the apocalypse”. So OPs scenario is survivors of an apocalypse lead to believe a Geiger Counter is a gold detector.
Edit: to clarify, the “fall” it’s referring to is the fall of civilization
While there is some credence to “you can’t truly learn to live another until you learn to love yourself”, I think we king as you approach a relationship with the right mindset you don’t have to love yourself / be happy. Right mindset being the operative word.
Anecdotal, but back when my depression was even worse I approached them as a “if I can’t be happy I want to dump 110% of myself into the relationship to make my partner happy”. It doesn’t take alot to understand why that’s such a bad approach. As long as you find someone who you can trust with your weaknesses and be trusted with theirs, maintain a open line of communication, and generally be comfortable around I don’t see why not.
Holy shit, I know California has it’s ups and downs but seriously?
This reads like and hopefully is just rage bait.
The language used into the post itself has so many red flags. You “forbid” her, you had to get to get on the ground. And after having a PTSD episode over sexual assault, when you tried to touch her she yelled, which is reasonable for a victim of sexual assault, and you retaliated instead of giving space.
And if this is what you’re willing to recount, I can only imagine what wasn’t said may be even worse.
If this was genuinely just a very misguided attempt at helping overcome trauma, you should probably see a counselor and perhaps arrange a group session with whoever she has been seeing, if she’s amicable to it.
Yup, with PIA the port is random but yes, there should be scripts out there to leverage PIAs forwarding with your torrent software. And yeah, if you were to port forward through your router that could lead to accidentally exposing your actual IP.
incompatible with port forwarding with any VPN
I’m not sure if there is a misunderstanding here, but port forwarding through a VPN is generally agnostic of most network setups. It’s a tunnel, doesn’t require your network to have port forwarding setup or even for it to be capable of it.
The fundraising was for the development of Pixelfed’s source code. e.g. adding new features, bug fixing, etc. - not for currently hosted servers and their infrastructure. So it went to @dansup.