I was a nerd, so I tried really really hard to prove logically that my religion was the correct one… and failed.
I see no problem at all with lab-grown meat being the solution, but I would push back a bit on the notion that eating bugs is inherently unpalatable. The truth is that what makes eating bugs unpalatable is our current habits and inclinations think of this as being inherently “icky”, save for certain species that come from the sea. Changing these habits would not only switch us to consuming animal protein with fewer ethical and environmental issues, but also would open us up to new culinary experiences which we are currently depriving ourselves.
Having said that, I have never tried hard to overcome my own habits and inclinations, even though I probably should, so I am not going to judge anyone else for not having done so; the above paragraph is a musing rather than me trying to dictate anything to other people.
I could not agree more that anyone who points out the negative ethical and environmental repercussions of eating meat and suggests that it would be better if we all switched to eating more bugs and/or lab-grown meat instead is really just trying to oppress the poor!
(Just to be clear: I myself find it extremely hard to change my habits so I do not negatively judge anyone else for continuing to eat meat, but I do negatively judge people who derail the entire conversation about the best way to proceed given the reality of problems with eating as much meat as we do by accusing me of having bad intentions.)
No, because the people who really think that this is what is going on are also people who are stubborn about changing anything about their lifestyle, so they will continue to eat meat.
Ah, but you see, JavaScript is not so straightforward. It tries to help you by automatically inserting missing semicolons, but the approach that it uses is that it will insert them in the first place where doing so would make the code parse. This, unfortunately, means that semicolons are often inserted in places where you were not expecting them, so the advice is to always include them manually yourself so that you are never unpleasantly surprised.
Nice try, but this post is actually now talking about JavaScript, which means that the close parentheses areautomatically inserted.
I am sympathetic with the sentiment so I am hardly going to discourage anyone from doing this, but it is not clear who could still be convinced at this point.
I would argue that everything is being named for what it is, it’s just that the mathematical definitions underlying the types are sufficiently subtle that it is not easy to look at them and immediately make the connection between what you are seeing and why it works. (I personally had to study them for a while before really understanding what was going on.) Additionally, the lens
package is arguably not the best entry point because it makes you learn both the basic concepts and a full batteries-included library for working with them in every conceivably way at the same time, which can be so overwhelming that it becomes impossible to learn either of these things.
The good news, though, is that the advantage of this style of lenses is that the types are inherently structural rather than nominal, which means that you can, for example, use the far simpler microlens
package instead and still interoperate with code that uses the lens
I find it interesting that you are so passionate about elm. The impression that I got when I last played with it a few years ago is that it is a good introduction to functional program because it shows just how nice things can get when everything is pure, but that eventually one outgrows it and its simplicity feels far more constraining than useful. So the good news is that you never have to learn about things like lenses, but the bad news is that if you run into a problem that would be solved really well by them, then too bad. How much one cares about this kind of thing is a genuine matter of personal preference, though.
The reason why there are so many operators is because there is a scheme with three parts:
to return the old value, <
to return the new value, neither to not return any intermediate value+
to “mutate” inside a MonadState
, ~
to do a pure computationThis is how you end up with so many operators. I get that this is not necessarily explained that well, though.
Also, as elegant as this style of lenses is, I agree that the types are a bit weird, which makes then a bit tricky to lean and also can result in unhelpful error messages, so your point is well taken there.
Sure, but the comment to which I replied made the specific claim that, if Rust had used Python-style layout, then there would have been no serious adoption, and that is what I was responding to.
It is a joke. Nobody serious actually expects you to know what this term means.
Lenses, by contrast, solve a practical problem that comes up in languages where everything is immutable when you really want to change something deeply nested in your data structure, so they are not nearly as obscure.
The context is that this entire post is essentially making fun of another post; follow the link to the original post on lemmy.world to see what I mean.
That’s a fair point. I have learned so many programming languages and continue to enjoy learning about weird ones that these relatively minor syntax design decisions do not seem like they should be dealbreakers to me, but that likewise means that I am also not the one that they have to worry about appeasing when designing the syntax to attempt to maximize adoption.
Hi everyone, I really am glad to see that we have decided to create a whole thread to pick on that self-admitted Lemmy noob for asking a question–what a loser!!!
- Fear of unfamiliar syntax. This is utterly bogus, but I can bet you that if rust used python style layout and haskell style type signatures, it would still be incredibly niche. Something can wipe the floor with the competition, be rock solid, stable and blazingly fast, but if it’s unfamiliar it will be niche. See elm for front end, for example.
But the weird thing to me is that Rust’s syntax is also pretty familiar unfamiliar since it is (just to start) heavily inspired by ML. Does it really just come down to the fact that it has mandatory curly braces and semicolons? It just seems weird to me that this should be the sticking point for people.
Edit: Oops, wrote “familiar” when I meant “unfamiliar”.
A lot of these operators are things like +=
and -=
, though, which should not be too hard to remember if you are familiar with C-flavored languages.
Yeah, I had been willing to give the author the benefit of the doubt that this was all part of a big joke, until I saw that the rest of their blog postings are also just like this one.
The word “imperialism” does not mean what you think that it means.