Some of the stuff on that list is probably there because of review bombing. Torchlight III is worse than II, but it’s definitely not one of the worst games on Steam.
Some of the stuff on that list is probably there because of review bombing. Torchlight III is worse than II, but it’s definitely not one of the worst games on Steam. Section 5 shows how to disable it without installing anything.
Hmm. Maybe it’s all a coincidence. When one of my CPU cores was stuck at 100%, I opened htop and configured it to show kernel threads too. I spotted MariaDB running in the background. I thought “I don’t remember installing MariaDB”. Went to uninstall it with pacman, which said it’s a dependency of Akonadi. After googling, I turned off Search Indexing and CPU usage dropped to zero. I’ll keep an eye on it to see if the problem comes back.
As of Linux kernel 6.2, any distro should theoretically be able to support M1 and M2. The problem is, most distros will probably have a slightly older kernel upon initial install. I’m personally going to wait for an Arch-based distribution that supports Mac.
Yeah, I heard it fixed most of the issues. Haven’t tried it yet. I have since switched from an AMD to nVidia card so maybe it works now.
Without that fan patch, I wasn’t able to play at all. But further into the game, it started crashing every 10 - 20 minutes. Think the particular Radeon card I had at the time was poor compatibility. nVidia users might have had more luck.
A reason I might buy a console used is because certain titles, like Nier Automata, were poorly ported to PC. I love that game, but the Steam version crashed a lot for me.
I still have the trilogy collection on PS3. I wonder if the new version will have improved textures or anything like that.
So it’s not a turn based RPG anymore?
With a second submarine, you could potentially have even more casualties. Luckily there’s already an unmanned sub in the area.
I would avoid that nVidia open source driver anyway. Sadly the proprietary one has been better in my experience.