Environmental Scientist. As my username suggests, my passion is studying bivalves. My day job involves studying nutrient cycling in San Francisco Bay (where clams come up quite a bit)! Through my work, I have also grown fascinated by phytoplankton
I finally set up Joplin server. It is a revelation after too long using Syncthing to sync databases. I wasn’t able to use Joplin on Android anymore- the sync to file system had gotten too slow. Now everything syncs pretty much instantly!
The flag was a (partially) red flag
I had a teacher put a Confederate flag in our classroom ‘for history’. She also spent the entire weeks-long Civil War module drilling into our young minds that the war was about States’ rights, not slavery.
It is a picture of a pipe, and while it conjures our memories and conceptualization of a pipe, it is, of course, merely a painting of one. Yet there is also the argument that when we see a physical pipe in person, it is only our “mind’s eye” view of a pipe that makes it a pipe. So, in some ways the difference between art and the “real world” is arbitrary. You can carry this as deep (as many layers of meta) or as shallow as you like, and that’s why the painting has inspired such a timeless continuing discussion over the decades of the meaning and significance of art.
I usually try a new restaurant alone before taking people there. Lean into it!
They can’t really switch later, though. At least, all of their submissions and comments stay at the old account
The ultimate useful idiot
Yeah, the idea of cabinet members resigning is a little quaint
Extremely controversial topic
I’ve started only reacting to the latest shit he does if it isn’t blocked by a court order within 5 days
Book was a good read too
Nice, right now I use Shizuku and an app called Darq to force some apps dark. This would save me that effort!
People can follow and comment to my WordPress from the fediverse. My posts are long enough that they don’t really look right on Mastodon (and images all show up as attachments rather than inline), but nice for shorter format blogs
Thank you for doing so. It is a courteous thing to do!
I do the same, but I’ve run into a bottleneck where Joplin syncs encrypted notes really, really slowly to local storage. So looking to switch to hosted Joplin server
This would make a good movie! Strychnine as a performance enhancer, TIL