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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • A lot has changed. There are articles posted to sites that used to be avoided due to ‘giving’ the hedgefund media views. Notice how the narrative has changed on websites like the street… the same group of people trashing retail investors of Gamestop a short while ago are now on ‘retails’ side.

    Not only is superstonk censored, but its been corrupted. If you look at a macroscopic view of all of the articles, you notice that a majority of them are focused on the crashing of the market, banks, the fed, and the SEC… who actually benefits from this? Hedgefunds. As much as people want to call them dumb, they hire way smarter people than us and pay off everyone they can. The only real truth in all this pile of shit is to buy and DRS.

    Now, i am kind of in a mehh place with the SEC. Yes they are starting to pass measures, but they are being held back by legal issues (which i think were mutually planned by hedgefunds and SEC). As crazy as it sounds, I still believe the SEC is not on the retail side and is only passing measures after being forced to because of public scrutiny - they tried to get rid of all of our emails at one point and blamed it on a angry employee. The CFTC is still hiding its data and somehow everything is supposed to be good and the SEC is the champion of the people again… Remember they did nothing for a full 2 years other than pass measures instead of taking legal action against any of the perpetrators.