Jokes on them I use Firefox
Jokes on them I use Firefox
FMan is pretty nice, not sure if it’s still maintained though
At least for this specific example I don’t know why I wouldn’t use null instead of option and ?? As it’s more clear what’s happening as it’s standard C#
Also in your example does the function to the right of | execute always?
No there’s only one we don’t know about. The first plant is the one you start the game on.
Mostly use Rider but whenever I’ve tried to use the open source extension I’ve had it crash and be quite unreliable, but if it works well for you then go for it.
Try reading on your couch instead
Steam used an embedded browser long before it was cool.
It’s technically complicated, and requires more compute to do it server side.
Poorly, I setup Mint while I was in town, a couple weeks later it won’t boot, can’t troubleshoot that kind of thing from out of state, so… Yeah
The number of times I move code around and can just press a hotkey to fix indentation though. Not possible with Python.
Instead of making a video you could probably print to PDF
Complain that other people aren’t doing anything, apparently
The factory must grow. All colors are science colors.
Good old PowerPoint karaoke
Except it clearly doesn’t produce the same result every time. You’re not making a good case for whatever you’re trying to say.
IMO Tile is fine because usually you forget where something is because you left it there, and so your phone will tell you where you left it, you really only need a network if the thing moves after you left it somewhere.
The issue with option one is that scammers get old (or not technical) people to do stuff when they don’t know what they’re doing and click the box not knowing what they just did. So yes very frequently they need to protect people from themselves because they’re dumb, but I still expect banks to do business with those dumb people, sooo… Option 2 it is.
No you can’t. Just use a main stream browser.
That game is so good, one of my early gaming memories