At least he said “if they want to” for psychiatric drugs
At least he said “if they want to” for psychiatric drugs
Base privacy rules of federation. The main difference in sign ups seems to be privacy policy. Or some filter on sign up that isn’t choose an instance but a filter that “finds you an instance.”
“Do you want to provide an email address?”
“Do you want x, y, z?”
Filter down to a single instance or if multiple just randomize what instance you toss them to. Just don’t make it a decision. When they are finished signing up send them a note that’s says “you can always change instances by going to _____ link or something to make account or change instances ____”
It’s really not complex but it’s the “feel” of complexity. For instance I froze a bit because some instances had no privacy policy, some said oh yeah we spy on you, some said no email needed just sign up… just get rid of that deer in the headlights moment, or standard privacy rules for federation in the “main” group.
people on the left and right can agree on one thing and it’s generally that democrats are full of shit. When they do the camps, the left should toss the Dems under the bus before they get tossed under the bus themselves.
Kagi has a fediverse search I think
There is a tampermonkey script if you google it. It will add the cookie required to bypass like you’re logged in but without you being logged in. If you hit the page it adds the cookie and refreshes. Could probably be made into a pretty self contained extension too
Then when they get blown out next election they’ll think it means they need to slide to the right some more…
I stumbled upon nulled and it was the sketchiest forum I had ever seen. I noped out so quick. I didn’t even realize it was a “major” thing.