I took a PL class in college, and we used Scheme. Ever since then, I noticed the concepts that I learned in that class seeping into other PLs. At the time I was programming Java 7 and JavaScript (ECMAScript 6). As soon as Java 8 hit, they had their stream API, and around the same time TC39 started adding FP-influenced APIs to JS.
My exposure to FP has not been “pure”, but I have really enjoyed its influence in the languages that I use every day (Rust being the latest).
I am a NeoVim user, and I started learning emacs once, but was really unimpressed with the multi-key shortcut soup. Now that Lua is baked into NeoVim anyways, and plugin devs don’t have to be Tom Pope, I expect the quality of vim plugins to explode and I’m hoping that we’ll catch up to all the things emacs has been ahead on in the next few years.