It’s more difficult to use ad block if you’re using their app. This is the reason.
It’s more difficult to use ad block if you’re using their app. This is the reason.
What does Ukraine “winning” mean to you at this point in the war? When you’re targeted by a much larger nation state that has every tactical advantage against you, you’re going to lose.
Look at every nation the United States has invaded over the last 60 years. Would you say any of them won? When hundreds of thousands of your people die violent deaths, it’s hard to declare victory. Even if you remain independent, you lose.
When 7 billion people know when you are, the chances of pleasing everyone is close to absolute zero. He has character flaws. So do I. So do you. He also runs very important future forward companies. He helped curate collections of the best talent in the world to create great tech.
Sounds like a double win to me.
What the shit does this have to do with fuck?
Ukraine was always going to lose. A few choice groups have been getting their pockets lined with cash in the mean time.
You want to commit acts of violence against people because they think something stupid? You must want to commit a lot of violence then. The average person is dumb as hell.
Mods will be mods… Doesn’t matter the platform. Gotta gate keep those opinions.
Any nuanced opinions about Elon Musk here? 👀
That’s crazy. If you have the skills don’t under value yourself. Don’t be afraid to walk away from an offer. Never tell a potential employer your current salary and never give them a number if they ask in interviews. Ask what their range is as a response and if that matches your number, proceed. Then negotiate for the max of their range. If you get to that point, they already want you, so you have the upper hand in negotiation.
Grayjay. You’re welcome.