I disagree with most people here. The interview is the most important thing, so build it from scratch and make your own libraries. You will learn how to design good APIs which will make you infinitely more likely to get hired and promoted too.
Microsoft is more evil and has been doing this in Bing Chat since the beginning.
Divisive take. And an unpopular one, seeing as manjaro is the fifth most popular linux distribution.
To say it’s “completely incorrect” is an exaggeration at best. The paper you cited is far more nuanced than that.
Well there’s your problem :P every language has bad code examples
Even though most of the specifics you point to are wrong, it’s a good point overall:
Rust, being #1, should be better than all other languages. The fact that it’s just decent makes it seem overhyped, and all the downvotes on haters make it look like a cult.
Back when it was small, the cult-like following was OK. But now that the language is becoming more mainstream I think the Rust evangelizers need to tone it down a bit or they risk pushing people away.
On your point, TypeScript is a decent language too. There can be two good things.
In OP’s defense I have heard this said unironically by several engineers at my last job.
“Rust is going to replace JavaScript thanks to webassembly, so we should be moving all of our code to that.”
“Our client should be in the same language as our backend, just like in GWT”
Did you inline all those types just to make it ugly? Normally each of those subtypes would have been in a separate typedef, each with documentation.
Apologies for the tangent:
I know we’re just having fun, but in the future consider adding the word “some” to statements about groups. It’s just one word, but it adds a lot of nuance and doesn’t make the joke less funny.
That 90’s brand of humor of “X group does Y” has led many in my generation to think in absolutes and to get polarized as a result. I’d really appreciate your help to work against that for future generations.
Totally optional. Thank you
We should always add a mental asterisk to the names of male researchers who discovered things while women were oppressed.
That said, this meme is playing loose and fast with the specifics, which undermines that important message.
Just picking the first one:
Payne’s work was her Ph.D. thesis and Russell did not tell her not to publish it, her advisor did. The advisor told her not to rock the boat in her thesis. This is good advice that even Einstein was given. Payne, badass, declined.
When Russell later reproduced her research, he cited her thesis as the “most important research” he’d seen on the subject.
The real snub with Payne is that her title was “Technical Advisor” for 20 years despite being well regarded as a full time professor. It wasn’t until the 50’s she was recognized as a professor, when she was also made chair of the department.
Source: https://www.amnh.org/learn-teach/curriculum-collections/cosmic-horizons-book/cecilia-payne-profile
deleted by creator
You’ve never done ecommerce logistics
I literally have. Go climb up a tree.
Did 39 people really believe this enough to upvote this? This is easily proven false. Amazon is convoluted because it’s old as heck and they hire subpar engineers. Like me. I used to work on the team that made the search page. It sucks because most of us were fresh out of college and had never made a website in our lives.
Have you tried buying from aliexpress? It’s the same products as on Amazon, but directly from the supplier. Imagine Amazon, but everything’s 50% off.
Source: I’m cheap as heck and buy random trash from them
Meta’s emissions were 3000x higher than they reported?! What the heck are they doing over there
If you’re the one working on this infrastructure, then why are the reports saying that it’s only 13%? Are you guys lying on the forms?
God damnit not this swill again. It’s not even close to triple, it’s like 15%. Read. The. Reports.
For real. Why does this misinformation keep spreading? I have the actual real numbers right in front of me now.
And it’s the same as what MIT Technology Review reported and what Google reported publicly.
The EU’s CSRD requires most of these companies to disclose their carbon emissions. So just go look it up, ya taints.
Yeah this is a common issue with docker. If you can get away with running the underlying tool without docker I would almost always recommend that instead.