I know what you mean! I just started in development recently and the amount of my colleagues (that I am supposed to learn from) who use ChatGPT for a lot more than they should is super annoying to me. I have a background in natural language processing but decided to go into software development because the programming was always more fun to me.
Recently some of my colleagues were looking for a package for a specific framework to do a specific task. And they just asked ChatGPT which is just NOT A SEARCH ENGINE. It came up with something that wasn’t even close to what we needed, but somehow no one looked into it. I did a quick search, read some threads on reddit and found something a lot better in 5 minutes. Luckily the Project Manager listened to me, but it was honestly so weird, because I felt like I was somehow weird for suggesting to look at what other devs recommend instead of just going with what a language model suggests, that doesn’t even use recent data.
Meine Schwester ist da ab und zu in der Gegend eine Freundin besuchen und meinte die Supermärkte sind vom Angebot her eigentlich wie in Hamburg (ging glaube konkret um Penny)
Aber wenn man irgendwie wandern ist, sieht es bei den Gastro-Sachen eher schlecht aus.
Je nachdem wie ihr anreist, lohnt es sich vielleicht in einer größeren Stadt halt zu machen und einen großen Supermarkt zu finden, aber generell sind die Supermärkte in Sachsen meiner Erfahrung nach ganz gut ausgestattet. Die Familie meiner Mitbewohnerin wohnt in der Nähe von Dresden in einem kleinen Ort und der Lidl hat teilweise bessere vegane Auswahl als der bei uns in Leipzig :D