Betteridge’s law of headlines
nice catch and thanks for the teaching moment
To keep it simple
testing and static type checking – catches all the bugs
linting and formatters – so git diff
isn’t pure noise showing trailing and unnecessary whitespace and collaborators won’t have to go back to correct things that coulda been automagically fixed.
in code documentation – Can be extracted by Sphinx as part of the documentation process. Hint: interrogate is your friend.
gh workflows – to have the test suite run against various py versions, os, and maybe architectures. Without which not even confident it runs well on your own machine let alone anywhere else.
requirements.txt – is an output file. Where is ??
xz hacker sends his love
Makefile – for people who like a ton of shell scripts in their Python packages. Up until realize that ya know which Python interpreter is being run, but can’t have any level of confidence about the shell interpreter. Cuz it’s a big unknown and unknowable. Gotta just take it on faith.
Admit it, the author brought a smile to your face!
Can’t stop laughing, the codebase and authors stance on packaging are hilarious.
After reviewing the source code, was gonna write helpful feedback. Then realized this project is perfect as-is.
A perfect example of what a python project looks like by those who really really hate packaging and UX.
Once upon a time, I was that guy too
Rally to protect the acolytes from those demanding efforts towards packaging and common practices!
Hey it works on their machine and maybe will on yours
Unless you use Void (sv) or Alpine Linux (openrc). Those people suck the fun out of the room.
Everyone should be using systemd, expect Grandma. She gets a smartphone.
U are not wrong.
Dependency management is tough and often frustrating. Dealing with resolving dependency conflicts is unavoidable. This area is a constant focus of development, so could see improvements over time.
Some packages to keep an eye on:
pip & setuptools
pip-tools (specifically pip-compile)
Any others i’ve missed?
Thanks for the introduction to taskipy. Think if i need macros, Makefile is the way to go. Supports running targets in parallel and i like performing a check to ensure the virtual environment is activated or the command won’t run.
SHELL := /bin/bash
APP_NAME := logging_strict
#virtual environment. If 0 issue warning
#Not activated:0
#activated: 1
ifeq ($(VIRTUAL_ENV),)
$(warning virtualenv not activated)
is_venv =
is_venv = 1
VENV_BIN_PYTHON := python3
PY_X_Y := $(shell $(VENV_BIN_PYTHON) -c 'import platform; t_ver = platform.python_version_tuple(); print(".".join(t_ver[:2]));')
.PHONY: mypy
mypy: ## Static type checker (in strict mode)
ifeq ($(is_venv),1)
@$(VENV_BIN_PYTHON) -m mypy -p $(APP_NAME)
make mypy
without the virtualenv on will write a warning message why it’s not working!
thanks for the head up on nox. Syntax seems like a tox meets pytest.
Are you using github actions locally? Feel silly making gh actions and workflows and only github runs them
If it’s worth sharing it’s worth to accompany the blog post with a repo containing unittests and tox.ini and pre-commit
If that had been done, tox would give feedback that match switch support is py310+
might be helpful to test multiple implementations
Complaint about sharing code within a blog post is the quality is ALWAYS suspect.
Lets leave style code examples in the past. Instead share tested code.
Also logging is not isolated. Bleeds all over the place. Which is a deal breaker
Not worth the endless time doing forensics
Agree! Lets stick with multiprocessing
one thread sounds nice. Lets do much more of that
that’s pretty cool u are curating release announcements
Just activate the venv and then put it out of your mind. Can activate it with either a relative or absolute path. Doesn’t matter which
The multiple venv for different Python versions sounds exactly like what tox does
Then setup a github action that does nightly builds. Which will catch issues caused by changes that only tested against one python version or on one platform
py313 is a good version to test against cuz there were many modules removed or depreciated or APIs changed
good luck. Hope some of my advice is helpful
LPython will be obsoleted by Mojo
BFF 1: Chuck is going to be so surprised. We’ve hired the best caterers, cosplay theme, fireworks, yard ales, twister themed blind laser tag, there will be balloons, ball pool, athletic challenge course, fabulous entertainment from top notch talent, show girls, the wine will flow like water
BFF 2: Tell me you didn’t invite that grifter, mypy
BFF 1: I … err … hum. Opps
mypy enters the conversation
Don’t use lambda use def function instead
BFF 2: Man i hate that guy. Rains on our parade and sucks the fun out of the room (and this entire thread).
Heard that only pyright, not mypy, has support for the new typing syntax
Wouldn’t hurt to try out another static type checker. And if pyright is better. Switch.
Using mypy btw. Haven’t moved on to support the new typing syntax
A package’s requirements are left unlocked An app’s requirements are locked
This doesn’t excuse app devs from excluding a