• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2024


  • strict schema and a spec are not the same. package pyproject-validate can check if a pyproject.toml follows the spec, but not be using a strict schema.

    A schema is similar to using Rust. Every element is strictly typed. Is that an int or a str is not enforced by a spec

    If there was a strict schema, package pyproject-validate would be unnecessary

  • You are not wrong, yaml can be confusing.

    Recently got tripped up on sequence of mapping of mapping. Which is just a simple list of records.

    But for the life of me, couldn’t get a simple example working.

    Ended up reversed the logic.

    Instead of parsing a yaml str. Created the sample list of dict and asked strictyaml to produce the yaml str.

    Turns out the record is indented four spaces, not two.

    - file: "great_file_name_0.yml"
        key_0: "value 0"
    - file: "great_file_name_1.yml"
        key_0: "value 0"

    Something like ^^. That is a yaml database. It has records, a schema, and can be safely validated!

    The strictyaml documentation covers ridiculously simple cases. There are no practical examples. So it was no help.

    Parser kept complaining about duplicate keys.

  • Limitations of requirements.txt files


    The only benefit i can see, is to attempt to bring requirements files into pyproject.toml and an additional layer to abstract away from pip.

    ^^ this does not keep me awake at night nor is it a substitute for porn

    The PEP author’s intentions are good, puts focus on a little discussed topic.

    The outcome … questionable

    If this is all it’s doing, that’s not enough. Ignores the elephant in the room.

    Which are

    • fixing dependency conflicts

    • mutual compatibility

    Fixing dependency conflicts would be easier if can work with existing proven tooling. Which acts upon r/w files rather than pyproject.toml, a config file; shouldn’t constantly be updated.

  • Would the coke and blow happen for that guy?

    Makes sense if i’m that guy

    This question is about Python package funding. If world+dog no longer stresses over pip dependency resolution isn’t this not extremely valuable? So how to go about getting that package permanently funded. No bs dangling a tiny carrot and insisting on strict justice (reporting milestones …). Then funding only happens for large projects.

    Question on package funding is very legitimate. Have a list of packages that are no longer maintained cuz funding never happened.

    Can subsist on crocodile tears. It’s a guilty pleasure.

    Meaning, if package funding never ever happens, and all that ever happens is never ending articles/threads on Python devs whining about dependency resolution, i’m going to feed that.

    Personally not suffering from dependency resolution stress. Everyone else does.

    If the available solutions were sufficient there would be no more articles with comment sections filled with war stories, tales of carnage, and loss.

    … always comes down to that one guy.

    Solve the Python author maintainer funding issue!

    Then and only then will i market the package that specifically targeted towards resolving pip dependency resolution issues for package (and app) maintainers.

  • We need AA meetings


    My name is Billy Joe Jim Bob

    Hello Billy!

    I haven’t had a dependency conflict for the past 3 hours. The sleeping problems haven’t gone away. As i feel my eye lids drupe, keep thinking about each of my packages and imagining where will the next unresolvable dependency conflicts emerge.

    Then i wake up covered in sweat.

    Can’t keep going on like this. Thank you for listening

    Thank you for sharing Billy!