What sound does a cow make? Moo. What sound does a dog make? Woof. What sound does a cat make? Meow. What sound does a pig make? UP AGAINST THE WALL MOTHER FUCKER.
What sound does a cow make? Moo. What sound does a dog make? Woof. What sound does a cat make? Meow. What sound does a pig make? UP AGAINST THE WALL MOTHER FUCKER.
People are surely entitled to their own opinions. I read yours. I’ve concluded that you’re a moron.
my homie refdesk just called and said “we are so fucking back”
Yup, same here. Never really understood the G-Shock thing until I got one. The 5610U is truly one of the best watches hands down, and they’re cheap. I find myself using timers and alarms much more because I may not have my phone at all times (around the house etc). Solar to boot? It really doesnt get much better, they’re fantastic.
The Henry Kissinger series was incredible.
Have to agree. Siamese Dream by the Smashing Pumpkins executes on this so perfectly.
My cousin and I would play all day because you could just make the lobbies so crazy with the bot options. It was almost more fun than actually playing haha. Spent hours and hours finding the best killrooms for the laptop gun sentry.
I don’t remember the specific article I read that dove into this but it was essentially sold due to it being one of the first large data collections (user data). I’m not sure the extent its traweled now but before the social media machine took off, it was the largest if not one of the largest concentrations of actual data points to run algorithms against.
Love that they clarified that after being called out, as if that somehow makes it more acceptable. “See? It was to charity guys, you think making money for charity is a bad thing?” While still missing the mark completely and refusing to send said prototype back.
Talk about moving goalposts. They fucked up.
Not quite. Even the accepted amount poses increased threats to being diagnosed with cancer (it is a carcinogen at the end of the day): https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohols-effects-health/alcohols-effects-body
It is incredibly worse with breast cancer too.
“Evidence is consistent that intake, even intake of less than 10-15 grams per day, is associated with increased risk of this disease”
I’m seeing if I can get through tactician with this build, and it seems like it’s going well so far (no spoilers): necromancer wizard with weapon master feat to use great weapons. Haven’t added armor yet since I’m relying on blur for dodge, shield reaction, and blindness for large threats. Almost done with act 1 so I’m not sure how the power fantasy will look like later in the game or what items are available.
This has revolved around an item that sets intelligence to a specific value. So I was able to drop all int, put it into strength, and essentially be a lich-esque wizard. Been interesting to say the least and teleporting to baddies with misty step has been a lot of fun. I may go into the tadpole tree and spec into the skill that punishes when enemies miss their rolls (which they are disadvantaged from via blur and also the ilithid skill itself). The sustain is good with vampiric touch; and if I fall under half health for whatever reason, I have a greataxe that does additional damage.
This game is amazing so far.
They both achieve the same thing in different ways, but it comes down to philosophy if that even matters to the user. You can build gentoo for example with openrc or systemd, and depending on what you do you’ll need to integrate things differently (using elogind with openrc since logind is systemd specific). In gentoo it affects how you’ll compile. Its really a non issue, but it all depends on what level folks wanna spend on something that could potentially be different. I use openrc daily on multiple setups and it took maybe a week of using it to get the hang of it. Its just operationally different.
Does it really matter for most folks? No. But if its something you find interesting, it can be a nice change based on personal views and principles. I run openrc because I personally as a programmer don’t believe in how “proprietary” systemd is designed, nor agree with the decisions the maintainers have made. That’s just my opinion. At the end of the day it doesn’t technically matter.
This is a more hardcore viewpoint but it covers a lot of the issues folks have with it. https://suckless.org/sucks/systemd/
Yeah, definitely the downfall that spans way back to IBM. Thankfully my place gives that choice to folks (Apple and Microsoft both being proprietary but hey one is Unix based).
I’m so happy that I never have to use that dog shit OS ever again, or any of their software for that matter.
Man shut the fuck up lmao
I thought the same until I just dove in. Yes you will die a lot, but there’s a lot of points on the main quest that are essentially mechanic checks. Once you learn how to deal with situations in game, you kinda apply it elsewhere in the Cud world and your survivability goes up greatly. Then you’re able to pass the classically annoying stuff (fucking golgatha) pretty consistently.
But yeah. Maybe then you’ll be fifty hours into an esper play through, you have yet to realize what glimmer does and wonder what the fuck nuked you one screen away.
Its an incredible game and there is none like it. The basics aren’t too bad to grasp but hey, that’s why they say its !!FUN!!.
I for sure feel this sentiment but damn does Qud hit that sweet spot. Like, sometimes I don’t want to feel like I’m writing a dissertation - which is what CDDA can feel like sometimes - but I still want said depth, or at least the feeling of said depth. CoQ hits that sweet spot. So much charm too, love it.
They also in the past got caught using affiliate links with crypto URLs which gave brave kickbacks. Scumbag shit. If you want actual hardened browsing forget brave or anything chromium based. Use librewolf which is a forked version of Firefox. Mull if you’re on F-Droid.
Sauce: https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/8/21283769/brave-browser-affiliate-links-crypto-privacy-ceo-apology
Dog, you asked them where they got their info and you didn’t like the answer 😂 get real