Dieses Bild zu verbreiten könnte strafbar sein: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stgb/__108a.html
Dieses Bild zu verbreiten könnte strafbar sein: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stgb/__108a.html
Dieses Bild zu verbreiten könnte strafbar sein: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stgb/__108a.html
Sounds just like git (unless you do some special operations to change the copies)
Isn’t that just git with more steps and harder to share?
Learn to get around on foot, bike, bus, tram, etc. Find out what kind of ticket is good for your. In German cities the public transportation is relatively good.
Also on sundays nearly every normal store is closed, only restaurants and some other stores like gas stations are open.
I planned to use nfs, since it is one of the options of TrueNAS and it works on both windows and linux.
It will be used just for file storage. But what exactly do you mean by “lighter hardware”? april said anything more than a raspi, so better than the quad-core Arm Cortex A76 processor @ 2.4GHz from the raspi 5? (ik that truenas is for x86 and not arm)
Does the frontend need to be written in C++, or can you write the frontend in java too (in a JFrame from the javax.swing package)?
I open links from different categories of websites in different firefox profiles via a bash script. For example the current one is named “memes”.
Also i have a second panel at the top of my second monitor so i can always see the current date and time.
Hello from a programming.dev lemmy user
In c single quotes are for single chars only, while int is a string. That means you would need " around it. I think.
the other articles looks like its an onion thing
Flourescent sea itself is a known thing. But does it exist on the northern hemisphere in latitudes consistent with this view of the big dipper?
in english: double you in german: ve (german e, idk how to tell it to someone only knowing english)
How do you deal with the continental drift?
That is good to know, thank you.
I was on reddit when the api changes happened, after that (and the canvas) i deleted my account over there and went here.
Here is a link to piper, which others already mentioned: https://github.com/libratbag/piper Its a software to configure mice and so on. You might wanna check out which mice are compatible with it.