That’s the Pathfinder death system, if I recall correctly.
That’s the Pathfinder death system, if I recall correctly.
your entire profile is nitpicking people’s grammar
Plot twist: The orc is saying the first one.
i dont care ❤️
This was Second Edition from the 80’s.
alright if you want a curse placed on your entire bloodline so badly
if only i had seen this a day earlier…
she found a tome of eldritch lore
Opens fine in Connect
I can do you a few of the most ignored pages in the PHB: I’ve yet to meet a table that uses Trinkets
I have the opposite take. I fucking love detailed hard magic systems.
I am joking. “Rules as guidelines” is alive and well.
Ah yes 5e, a system notoriously known for rigid rules and leaving nothing to the DM.
If you want deeper rules for things, PF2e is good. If you want simpler and more story-focused rules, picking up Index Card RPG or Knave might be good.
ayy Ars Magica
Isn’t HackMaster very explicitly written to be funny? I’m avoiding the term ‘satire’ because HM 5th Edition is not really satire (HmB page 2)
Cool, however this is a community for tabletop roleplaying games.