afik they are rebasing on qt6, which fixes a lot of issues with Wayland due to Wayland not being thought of during the development of qt5. Correct me if I’m wrong though
programmer | foss enthusiast | admin of
afik they are rebasing on qt6, which fixes a lot of issues with Wayland due to Wayland not being thought of during the development of qt5. Correct me if I’m wrong though
I am currently using LineageOS and I just prefer the design and feel of the “Olauncher clutter free”. It just werks and does not offer any distractions.
Twitter. Elon had a head start.
Ubisoft, EA, Epic Games, Blizzard / Activision, etc… All of these companies mistreat their workers. From racism and sexism to sexual harassment and unbearable crunch. Fuck these companies. (I also boycott other companies, but I havent seen these mentioned yet.)