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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2024


  • I watched a momfluencer today in a big store make her two kids “play” with Halloween decor - she didn’t see me. She was coaching her kids and the little girl was fascinated with one thing - she kept telling them to hug the creepy statue thing - and was like “now hug it” “put your arm here” and she was super grumpy at them - then she was recording and the sweet voice came out. I purposely recorded her voice and the floor . And then I noisily moved behind her as she tried to capture her video - letting her know someone had seen AND heard her. Pieces of sh*t that abuse their kids for the internet must be called out. This woman pretended she was capturing a photo, then left and when I moved aisles she barked at her kids to leave the aisle. I HATE that this is accepted. She abuses her kid. Period.

  • I used to like neighbour (for the first few months?) but I blocked her when my cousin dmd her concerned for L, and neughbour said she will never blame parents who film and post their kids because it’s the gross people we should worry about, not that the kids get posted (she was defending S, and her “right” to post her minor kids). Respect from me was gone right when she told me and showed me the dm. Of course it’s the gross people that we have to worry about , but if kids are not posted online, then that won’t happen. And also neighbour has posted stuff with L. And she also always boasted to “stay off of my page if you don’t want to protect trans kids/don’t support abortion”, but S never says anything about protecting trans kids or abortion. She also in the past said, that people with platforms should be saying some thing and people who stay silent are in the wrong. But what about SNL? Would she have stayed friends with S if there was nothing to gain financially? Probably not. Money and “small fame” ruins everyone and skews our morals. I always HOPE that people in the circle and especially SNL will snap out if it because no kid deserves this- but neighbour and those around her should know better and advocate for the kid. Would they lose their hello fresh and whatever brand deals they push? Likely. But a kid would be safer. I did used to feel the same way that you did too about neighbour though, so I get it.

  • This is why I joined this- She was not speaking up for women’s reproductive care, she wasn’t speaking up for trans kids, she wasn’t speaking up for Palestinian kids being wiped off the face of the Earth. She also post her minor children without consent, at least informed consent. It’s just funny how many people stay in her circle because they know they could benefit from her financially. I would never wanna be associated with someone who benefited me financially, yet did nothing to actually make use of a platform. All her friends are just gonna keep quitting. They’re meaningful jobs that actually make a difference in the world to push shitty high waste products. She’ll just keep traveling and increasing her carbon footprint. Honestly, my kid who is like 30 years her Junior has done more to make positive impact. We don’t need another white bleach, blonde, heavily, edited, wealthy woman, influence of anybody.

  • I mean… cutlet inserts, taping, water bra padding (remember the awful water bras of the early 2000s?) and stick on padding all help people achieve the cleave too? Hormones also helps with this a lot. Perkiness and lift does not happen without surgery or injections but just growth/volume can happen with smoke & mirrors (cutlets, padding, taping) or for real with HRT or weight gain . I always thought she was as least a C?

  • Oh exactly! Her lab!a was FUSED together she was so badly burned.

    And also I have seen the smartest people with multiple university degrees hold hot coffee under their chin, in between legs, etc. Hot is one thing, scalding is another. McDonald’s & Disn3y both support genocide and toomany other horrible things to mention. It’s literally time to cancel them along with all these stupid influencers (and their circles of affiliate code groupies).

  • I don’t know if anyone is aware of what’s happening with the wrongful death suit against Disn3y, but I’ll summarize and maybe if S or any of her followers still think supporting this place/company/corporation is okay they’ll think twice.

    To summarize, there was a woman who was at Disney, and she has severe allergies to dairy and nuts, and she informed the serving staff of her allergies, and they promised to accommodate her but she was still served those allergens. She died as a result of her anaphylactic reaction, and her husband was seeking legal action.

    Because he subscribed to Disn3y+ on a trail basis for his PlayStation a few years ago, Disn3y is essentially claiming he cannot sue. I’m going to include some screenshots so you can go and look at these articles in the actual legal information its self as well as review your own Disn3y+ terms of service that people agree to.

    So a person died due to negligence, even though they mentioned that they had severe allergies, and this family cannot seek any type of restitution due to evil legal loopholes, that this horrible company has sneakily included into a streaming service subscription. EFF Disn3y . Influencers are bought and paid for too, and if they don’t immediately see how evil this is and speak up, then they DO value money over lives. Do not support Disn3y.

  • You can tuck on that yum. Go read about Tim’s and their backtracking on their egg sourcing (they had originally agreed to ensure eggs were ethically sourced- places like A&W use ethical eggs, but they renamed in the deal again and again, despite them being able to afford the ethical eggs- again this is very very summarized).

    They are not an ethical company at all. Plus they are under Burger King parent company which contribute to genocide. Big yuck. Yuck all over that yum. 👏

  • You did what you could as someone who saw abuse of a minor online. She exploits L “ As a verb, exploit commonly means to selfishly take advantage of someone in order to profit from them or otherwise benefit oneself. As a noun, exploit means a notable or heroic accomplishment. ”

    Apparently the endangerment of a child (putting them in very inappropriate situations for the world to see) isn’t something that social media cares about. This is just wrong.

    Not shocking that S doesn’t see it as an immediate red flag for the world, since she doesn’t respect consent and she doesn’t give a sh*t about refugees, starving kids, war or trans kids.

    It’s why I blocked influencers and other garbage. As long as they’re making money not even her friends who have called out similarly inappropriate things in the past will speak up. I cannot imagine knowing her IRL and not being concerned for L. If this is on camera, then what isn’t being shown? It’s s*xual abuse, exploitation and manipulation. I can’t believe anyone chooses money and popularity over a safe and healthy life for their children. This is a new low.

  • Now the child doesn’t mean any malice from this, but S posting this is a type of video that should be reported. Accidentally capturing a “my child is being silly” moment is one thing but you delete it and give the lesson about CONSENT. But S thinks it’s something that she should be posting it publicly? With her minor child? Please tell me this was reported. If not and anyone follows her still, REPORT this. This is a red flag for abuse. This is the kind of stuff I wouldn’t even go to instanavigation to see. Does she know this is innapropriate? Having film of a minor doing shit like this is NOT okay.