I’m not an academic, but my experience at universities killed any desire to continue being there. From the experiences I read online, the descriptions on universities’ own websites, and what PhDs themselves have told me, it is a long investment that costs a lot of money, involves lots of free work and groveling for funding, and although it can be rewarding, it often did not result in higher paying jobs unless you were in the right country. Not to mention the publishing racket.
It’s a real pity, because I would love to spend my days learning, building stuff, documenting everything, and helping humanity progress on minuscule step at a time, but the system seems quite fucked. Education is the engine of every civilisation and for some reason, we just cannot seem to understand that as a whole.
Please, for the love of every person on the planet, replace email with matrix. It’s about time we got rid of that damn protocol and matrix seems like the best candidate for it.
It would be great if websites started adding a “sign up with your matrix ID” option and send confirmation messages over it. In fact, what’s holding them back? Matrix has automation, doesn’t it? And websites don’t need to host their own matrix server. They can have a bot client run in the background. Besides integration with popular web frameworks, that’s all that’s missing, isn’t it?
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