Nintendo seems determined to never give us this… How many Wii U games are even left that didn’t get ported aside from the Zelda HD versions?!
I mean, I don’t actually know the answer to this, but whatever just give us the Wind Waker
Nintendo seems determined to never give us this… How many Wii U games are even left that didn’t get ported aside from the Zelda HD versions?!
I mean, I don’t actually know the answer to this, but whatever just give us the Wind Waker
I think the difference is in the seriousness, mate. Mobile games haven’t been cruelly repressed for hundreds of years. This is more like judging all books with a certain style cover the same way.
Saying they don’t like the predominant form of mobile game monetisation is exactly like racism! Woof.
This is an interesting question. I never thought about it until platforms started showing it. I bet I have shockingly low hours on games from my childhood that I consider my “formative” or “beloved” games. I act like I spent years playing Ocarina of Time but was it actually like 20 hours?
I remember seeing that community, but don’t see it now… weird.
Am I seen as a lesser person? Yes. But has my reputation been tarnished? Also yes.
I’ve made it. I’ll try to bring some local chat even though I’ve only moved up to Edinburgh recently.
So, … how’s everyone finding the new tram
(I did not say it would be thrilling chat)
You’re calling Yoshi-P, a very famous and influential Japanese game industry vet, “whiny.” Surely he’s earned enough respect for us to listen to his thoughts on what he considers derogatory!