Yea sometimes you don’t really know what is in the bundle you got. At least you didn’t buy it multiple times.
Yea sometimes you don’t really know what is in the bundle you got. At least you didn’t buy it multiple times.
But you’ll get around to them at some point, and it’s a good deal so if you buy it later it might cost more. No it’s fine you definitely won’t get distracted by another game and will start it after the one you are playing just now.
I don’t know what you mean “I’ve had that unplayed game for 17 years,” I’m going to play it next, (after this one I’m about to buy.)
Was that not the concern in 2016 as well? That he had large debts to undisclosed people who might influence him, “off the record.”
At this point some of them are so far in they have a financial incentive. For some if they were at admit, then their income would vaporise. Others know, but do it as a grift to get money out of believers.
I literally can’t wear it. Along with other artificial fibers (viscose and polyester especially) they cause me to come out in hives where it touches my skin. Cotton and soft wools are pretty much the only thing what I can wear.
There was no plan, just a nationalist agenda that didn’t like the EU. They didn’t think about post Brexit at all, other than to come up with some good sounding fantasies for the campaign.
I’d be fine with it, what does it matter to me what I pay with as long as it’s accepted?
That is just more propaganda. In the netflix program about it they show that they can’t tell the difference.
The whole natural diamond thing is they want to control the volume of diamonds on the market. If you can make them, then there will be such a high production the prices will plummet. The only reason the price is high, is that they keep production low.
I don’t know about other places but they haven’t had a counter for years round here. They have big screens that you go up to to order and pay, then you get a number and pick it up when called. Even if you wanted to do this, no one is going to listen to you trying to order at the kitchen.
This is a correct unit for it. Why? Think of it like a tube where as you move along it you use up the fuel. Over a set distance you would use more in a lower efficiency vehicle. Since the length of that pipe is the same, then the change would be the area of the ends of the pipe. Thus fuel efficiency is an area, smaller is better.
That is the event that icann uses as it’s reason to be strict about it.
For real Brexit was a stunning result. I just remember this post results interview with same randoms about it and one of the yes voters was like “yea I just through it was never going to happen and voted yes as a laugh.”
Yea, the concentration of energy trapped in matter is immense. People say matter is energy and e=mc^2 but you really have to do the calculations to see how much work that c squared is doing. A small grain of sand is probably more energy than the largest bomb, but the hard part is converting that matter into energy.
A hydrogen bomb (even bigger than a nuke,) converts less than a percent of the matter in the bomb to energy.
Frustrating the only browser you can get a compliance search in m365 downloaded with. So I have to open it more often than I want.
Probably even easier than places like twitter, as your can set up a server and others will even push all the data to you.
Agreed so much. There is a good mental component to walking outside. It helps me de-compress the day. I also make a point to walk 6/7 days even if it’s raining or cold or just miserable outside.
It doesn’t need to be much, a 20 minute walk each day is way better than none at all.
You got it on the nose, only one device.
Venice is Leith.
Getting all the locals priced out due to rich people pushing up housing prices?
That is probably for safety. If you microwave water without anything for it to nucleate on, then it can be liquid above the boiling point. If you then put a tea bag in, it will explode into steam in your face.
I can’t believe someone else got gunman chronicles. Although mine looks more like a half life cover than yours.
Rtcw is also my goto memory whenever someone mentions Wolfenstein. The modded 64 player servers were a blast despite the lag.