Same. I will read the manga to continue the story. It doesn’t seem to have been as big a hit as it deserves. It’s incredible how much drama and character they can pack into an apartment block cafe.
Same. I will read the manga to continue the story. It doesn’t seem to have been as big a hit as it deserves. It’s incredible how much drama and character they can pack into an apartment block cafe.
All this while I was thinking the billionaires are going to die because search and rescue operations in any state experiencing a period of fascism are more focused on pushing boats back out to sea.
Not doing actual rescues, that would build experience, test out gear, and maybe even invent new contraptions for future rescues.
Karma, if you like.
That’s the power of in-universe supernatural charisma I guess for Ruby. It would have been more surprising to have no colour representation at all.
The fact they already had merchandise like the T-Shirts with B-小町 being worn was more of a surprise for me. Like damn, Miyaemon works fast.