it’s literally a broken chain.
it’s literally a broken chain.
Literally a broken chain.
You could make a movie called ‘The Folly of the Phallus’ where a man shoots himself in the foot everytime he feels emotions and people would idolize the main characters and complain that the message wasn’t clear enough.
The reason for the VAT (in the USSR it was called a Turnover Tax. They’re the same thing but a VAT does not tax means of production) was how incredibly simple it was to administer. Tax fraud could be kept relatively low for any given level of administration if a VAT was used instead of an income tax, for example. Many modern governments do this today for the same reason.
The USSR was constantly in a struggle to build an effective administration (a good book on this is Origins of the Great Purges ) while fighting what we today would call Bullshit Jobs and local strongmen.
Post-Deng China basically took a hands off approach to local strongmen and corruption skyrocketed but economic growth was heightened. The USSR was trying to mitigate markets (most of which were black markets) to prevent shortages and mismanagement in its planned economy. So the Deng approach was not something it could do. The USSR was much more developed at the time and the intricate web of an economy was more complicated than in China.
Just a reminder that the USSR had a VAT as its main tax revenue for almost its entire existence.
The evidence we have is that Swiss banks are likely key in how sanctions against Russia are being avoided.
i believe this guy as far as i can throw him.
he was selling “anti-radiation” pills in japan and says the japanese government are spreading radioactive waste around the country to hide cancer cases from their experiments.
this post should be deleted.
you raise good points but they are already accounted for in CO2 emissions figures.
first, CO2 emissions peaked in the 1970s when the US imported much of its oil and when coal was used as the main fossil fuel. The switch away from coal is where much of the reduction comes from, which is why emissions can fall even tho oil production is high.
second, we don’t need to ask the US military what their emissions were. we know how much they purchased in fossil fuels and that’s where the estimates come from. the US military produces “51 million metric tons” each year, or about an extra 1% if you assume the numbers from don’t include it.
so in short, no. it is not assuming we ignore record oil production or the US military. as for exports, the US imports about as much energy as it exports.
since 2000 (after much of the off shoring of emissions from production), US emissions are down 25%.
this article is a poor polemic.
this article sucks.
it’s written by an apocalypticist and talks about global emissions instead of US domestic emissions.
CO2eq emissions have been decreasing in the US for at least a decade.
it does use user input “a diffusion model is trained to produce the next frame, conditioned on the sequence of past frames and actions.”
Telegram does not encrypt by default. It’s always been no better than text.
There’s also the “Kraut Space Magic” gun aka the G11.
The most overengineered gun perhaps ever in mass production. It literally picks up the bullet, rotates it, and then inserts it into the chamber to fire. And it uses caseless ammo for reasons far beyond human comprehension. It is magic because of how infrequently it jams.
It is also used by the UN troops sent by SEELE to invade Central Dogma in End of Evangelion.
the CIA’s Deer Gun and FP-45 Liberator Pistols are American imperialism in the form of a gun but goddamnit if they are not prole as fuck.
The Liberator looks like it was made out of a soda can and the instructions inform you that after each shot you have to find a stick to eject the casing.
There isn’t really a reason to do an “either or” here but a “yes and”.
Both have happened in every successful socailist revolution.
I think that for many regular people, “tax the rich” is not as tainted with anti-communist propaganda as “seize the means of production”. Taxing the rich does weaken them. Revolutions aren’t built in a day comrades.
do you have a link?
i found the one for Allende.
posting about stock prices is falling for the money illusion comrade. the market trading of stocks does not accurately reflect the productive forces.
This news is actually a little hard to interpret.
To quote the article: " The amount will now be diversified into corporate assets "
Japan’s central bank does bailouts of the capitalist class by purchasing stock. It owns 4.7% of all public stock in all of Japan.
So this may not be them moving toward abandoning the dollar (the article mentions that they are selling US and EU bonds but no percentages).
And that renegade Kautsky–very very nasty to me–but that’s ok. he said we couldn’t do it. he said we needed a bourgeois republic. i said we can’t have it.
i love how the entire comment section is people trying to argue whether something is wholesale good or wholesale bad. i swear to god you people make me embarassed to call myself a communist. for the political ideology that understands such a thing as “critical support” and that “the point is to change it”, y’all spend all your time pontificating about the true quintessence of every fucking thing under the sun.
consider this me applying the lessons we learned in “criticism and self criticism” because holy fuck y’all need to keep that shit in philosophy class.