The issue is equating antizionism antisemetism.
The issue is equating antizionism antisemetism.
Protesting Israel in Germany is legally antisemitic even if you are Jewish. Many German Jews have been protesting Israels genocide and were arrested for antisemitism.
The remaining parties are arresting Jews for antisemitism so its worse than that.
He’s giving positive replies to whatever dumb shit his followers post to him on mastadon. And the media is still trying to milk him for all the clicks possible. Covfefe shit all over again.
There’s real shit to be worried about. Like the extra-judicial deportations, ie Mahmoud Kahlil.
I write a lot of webscrapers. This sounds like the weakest solution with the most cost to regular users. I don’t even have to spoof anything, just solve some hash?
I should spin this up and test it out before I talk more shit about it. But the concept of slowing me down just by forcing extra computations is laughable. You’d have to crank the amount of computations up so high you’ll hurt your own userbase.
Proof of Work is a terrible solution because it assumes computational costs are significant expense for scrapers compared to proxy costs. It’ll never come close to costing the same as residential proxies and meanwhile every smartphone user will be complaining about your website draining their battery.
You can do something like only challenge data data center IPs but you’ll have to do better than Proof-of-Work. Canvas fingerprinting would work.
Whats confusing the hell out of me is: why are they bothering to scrape the git blame page? Just download the entire git repo and feed that into your LLM!
9/10 the best solution is to block nonresidential IPs. Residential proxies exist but they’re far more expensive than cloud proxies and providers will ask questions. Residential proxies are sketch AF and basically guarded like munitions. Some rookie LLM maker isn’t going to figure that out.
Anubis also sounds trivial to beat. If its just crunching numbers and not attempting to fingerprint the browser then its just a case of feeding the page into playwright and moving on.
That’s what’s confusing me. Rober’s hypothesis is without lidar the Tesla couldn’t detect the wall. But to claim that autopilot shut itself off before impact means that the Tesla detected the wall and decided impact was imminent, which disproves his point.
If you watch the in car footage, autopilot is on for all of three seconds and by the time its on impact was already going to happen. That said, teslas should have lidar and probably do something other than disengage before hitting the wall but I suspect their cameras were good enough to detect the wall through lack of parallax or something like that.
Every service is doing this as expenses and interest rates go up. Its the driving force of enshittification. All the VCs want internet startups to finally turn a profit.
It was there first and you can share it with friends more easily. For Plex you just register with the central server and share your username with your friends or w/e. Jellyfin has nothing like that.
I dont see how you can do that without launching your own national credit card companies. And good look trying to do any grass roots organizing for that.
Lol Trump called Schumer a “Palestinian” (now a threat) and this fucker just rolls over.
Americans must externalize their own internal contradictions onto Russia. Liberals be scape-goating.
It literally looks like a clone of fzf
or sk
complete with prompt and file previews. The fact that ithe article doesn’t event reference the prior art is deeply concerning.
Read that again. You’re both saying the same thing.
It is Yojimbo.
If you even write one line of bash you are programming. The way you’re describing it only makes sense if you’re using the terminal like dmenu_run
. You metaphor breaks down the moment someone so much as uses cd
. Even worse once you throw a pipe or redirect in. All of this you absolutely will have to do when installing Arch.
Its absolutely irresponsible to tell people that installing and running Arch Linux is like talking to a discord bot.
Early 00-10s indie synth:
Similar video gamey music:
Early dubstep:
Late 90s breakbeat:
If you’re mindlessly pasting commands, sure… but you have zero idea what your fucking with if you think bash is simpler than HTML.
In the context of maintaining an Arch distro you will absolutely need to understand that executing CLI commands is in fact programming.
What you’re doing is filtering out bots that can’t be bothered to execute JavaScript. You don’t need to do a computational heavy PoW task to do that.
Correct, and thats why they are the number one expense for any scraping company. Any scraper that can’t be bothered to spin up a headless browser isn’t going to cough up the dough for residential proxies.
That’s not what “demonstrably false” even means. Canvas fingerprinting filters out bots better than PoW. What you’re complaining about too strict settings and some users being denied. Make your Anubis settings too high you’ll have users waiting long times while their batteries drain.