• 31 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • You know… That’s actually not a crazy thought. I’m not a professional Bible scholar but I’m super interested in the topic and read my share of books and research articles on critical biblical studies.

    Some of the craziest prophetic writings in the bible are actually super anti-elite, criticizing kings and priestly leaders for extorting the poor and not caring for their people, decrying foreign and domestic opressors, etc, etc.

    If you read Amos, Baruch, Ezekiel, Isaiah and so on it’s not rare to find stuff like “what is the value the sacrifices in the temple have if you’re starving your people?” directed at kings and other elites.

    Not all of it, but some of the later stuff (exilic and post-exilic) is surrounded by crazy visions like “… the angel of lord showed me the throne of YHWH and it was awesome and terrifying and full of eyes and wheels within wheels and 200 heads”, etc.

    So… part of it might be a way of saying “BTW, here’s the mothefucking terrifying being that’s going to fuck you up if you don’t stop oppressing the people…”.

    Of course, all that was later coopted by an institutional priestly class who couldn’t give a fuck about the actual social message. But there was a lot of social preoccupation by some of the original authors.

  • Probably just the number of retirees who took their own lives out of desperation because of Pinochet’s destruction of social security already exceeds the deaths in the WTC attacks.

    Legitimately, the number of elderly suicides in Chile is huge. You have elderly people who have NO INCOME AT ALL and would rather die than to be a weight on their already impoverished families.

    And this doesn’t even scratch the surface of the level of evil that Pinochet caused.

  • It’s very telling that in the host of reasons this person gives for the so called “shortage of labor” (which is actually a shortage of an industrial reserve army), not one of the is stagnant salaries.

    No one is willing to admit that in most areas salaries are stagnant when compared to the enormous growth in labor productivity and cost of essential goods and services (food, housing, education, etc) and that’s the root cause of a resistance or workers to enter the “reserve army” in those areas. Simple like that.

    Increase pay, and people will join. If you can’t increase pay enough to find employees, then your business isn’t viable and you need to do something.

  • I’m not even going to comment on the EU being « authoritarian ».

    As one small and simple example, ask the people in Niger if it doesn’t feel authoritarian that they can’t enjoy the material wealth of their country because France steals 80% of their Uranium, paying peanuts for it. Go ask France’s former colonies how democratic it is for a foreign central bank to control their currency, artificially keeping it favorable for France to steal Uranium for peanuts. How nice it is for them that the material wealth that should be making their country rich, is going to subsidize the electrical bill of someone’s fancy apartment in Paris.

    Go ask people who live near mines owned by Swedish mining companies how much those companies bribed the local governments to allow them to pollute the fuck out of their countries, deregulate the fuck out of their labor laws, etc. See if they consider this democracy.

    Go ask someone in Libya how democratic it was when a government that provided them with the best standards of living in the whole continent was bombed and removed from power because some French and American folks decided that it was time for his counter-hegemonic ass to go. And left a fucking mess of warlords and civil war in his place. Super democratic I guess. Not authoritarian at all.

    The EU can only maintain itself relatively open and prosperous by fucking over their former colonies in ways their population mostly ignore. If your democracy at home depends on autocracy and destruction elsewhere to be maintained, how is it real democracy?

  • Eu admiro o caminho que o Eduardo Moreira fez, e acho ele um bom traidor de classe (isso é um elogio).

    Como Marxista, eu admito que ele tem um caminho a percorrer ainda e que se ele parar onde está vai ser um aliado tático mas não vai ser um aliado pra sempre. Por enquanto ele ainda é um bom reformista. Um dos melhores que a gente tem. Muito melhor que Ciro e o PDT de hoje, muito mais avançado que PT, com um discurso mais efetivo que o PSOL eleitoral de hoje.

    Mas é um reformista. Isso significa que ele vai propor coisas que têm limitações, que não vão resolver os problemas de uma vez por todas e que a burguesia pode facilmente reverter. Mas eu ficaria feliz de ver ele influenciar e avançar as pautas reformistas de hoje, que estão extremamente tímidas e contaminadas de liberalismo.

    Eu ainda acho que ele não terminou a jornada dele de traição de classe e ainda tenho esperança de que essa jornada jogue ele no colo do capeta marxista. Ele é inteligente e lê bastante literatura de esquerda. Tô na expectativa de ele acabar indo mais longe.

    Acho até possível que isso já tenha acontecido mas que ele é suficientemente inteligente pra não se declarar marxista abertamente agora, e cativar um pouco mais a esquerda e construir ainda uma base de agitação e propaganda forte antes de começar a falar jargões marxistas. Se isso acontecer, ele tem potencial de ser muito grande. Talvez o mais prolífico agitador marxista desde Luis Carlos Prestes.

    Maaaas, talvez isso seja wishful thinking do meu lado. É bom sonhar. Mas o mais provável é que ele se mantenha no campo reformista e seja para nós um Jango, um Brizola, um Lula dos anos 90, etc. O que honestamente não é pouco. Especialmente no tempo que estamos vivendo.

    Mas acho que ele é o reformista mais avançado no Brasil hoje. E isso significa que abraçar ele, se aproximar dele e tentar trazer ele pro nosso lado é sempre uma boa idéia.

  • Eu queria um clone do Reddit is Fun para Lemmy. :(

    Mas na real acho que uma coisa que falta em todos os apps que eu testei (e que seria extremamente básica) é uma forma de abrir links de outra instância automaticamente logado na sua instância.

    Porra, é um saco toda vez que você clica em um link ser redirecionado pra outra instância onde você não tem conta e ter que voltar pra sua instância, buscar a comunidade e procurar o post pra poder interagir.