• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2024

  • I’m neither an expert nor do I smoke. But from what I heard, quitting smoking has two major points- one being the nicotine addiction your body has built up. The second one being your ‘emotional addiction’, I.e being used to smoking as a tool to decompress, socialize, take a break, fight boredom etc. which is embedded in your routines - this one might be harder to fight. Maybe try to identify those things and find alternatives, start installing different ways to cope and simultaneously take care of your bodily addiction via gums, patches, whatever is the right way for you.

  • Thank you for your answer, I appreciate everyone wo is taking the time and effort. Well, my brother has spondylitis ankylosans. I asked my doc about it (my mother always warned us to have in our mind when something comes up) but he said that this is not related and my symptoms wouldn’t match as I am too young. He also stated that it especially has nothing to do with low back pain. Other than that, no chemicals, no radiation (we live in a area where this actually can be a problem so it is quite common to check for it and we never had any elevated levels) I’m not working in a high stress environment, no heavy lifting or something like that and I move quit regularly during the day

  • Sieht für mich irgendwie nach Spinnmilben aus…das erklärt die weißen Pünktchen und das kleine Krabbeln…deckt sich mit Cervantes, Jorge: Marihuana drinnen, S. 225: “Typisches Anzeichen: die winzigen weißen bzw. Silbrigen Flecken […] Schädlinge und Eier sind immer auf den Blattunterseiten - mit Taschenmikroskop inspizieren! …” . Lösung: Befall durch abspülen verringern; Spruzid AF, leicht benebeln (Inkl Blattunterseite) Spinnmilbenbefall ist ansteckend und murkst die Pflanze auf Dauer ab - also lieber früher als später was machen

  • upsiforgottoWhat's this Bug?@lemmy.mlGermany
    7 months ago

    I wouldn’t consider those as stripes, there are many pictures showing a comparison, I’d think those slightly darker areas are shadows. The stripes that mark a cockroach are really dark and distinctive, way more ‘stripey’ - maybe look for a photo from directly above to compare it with yours. The one on your picture looks harmless to me. They like to eat leaves and will die of hunger inside of the house

  • upsiforgottoWhat's this Bug?@lemmy.mlGermany
    7 months ago

    The one featured in the picture seems like a “Bernstein Waldschabe”. Just a harmless little friend that gets trapped inside sometimes. No killing (and no panic) required A Deutsche Schabe has black stripes on its head