I would really hate to live politically and economically unstable country of germany
I would really hate to live politically and economically unstable country of germany
But shareholder profits! Wont anyone think of the poor shareholders?
If your entire businessmodel depends on Arm the reasonable options seem to be to either buy ARM or to find a way out. But them there is Apple
I‘ll give that a try, thanks
I have not checked, i might do that. But since i have the issue on 4 different zpools that is unlikely
Lets hope that it accelerates the development of renewable and especially strorage infrastructure
I feel without Reddit Google is often useless
Also wenn ich ein Fahrrad kaufe das so eine Vorrichtung fest montiert hat ist das ok?
Also wenn nem SUV den Spiegel abfahre ist das seine Schuld, hätte sich ja nen schmaleres Auto kaufen können?
In wiefern ist das Selbstjustiz?