The greater the delusion, toobut…

This meme template is fun to use.

This is gonna be made someday, I know it. They can even make different versions! Squeezing the big booba dakimakuras gives you a big hit, and squeezing the itty bitty titty dakis gives you a small hit. And if you get the Gura or Rushia body pillows, squeezing them gets you nothing.

I am now available for business proposals to bring this product to market. Call me, Cover Corp! We’ll make a killing giving weebs that are already dead inside emotional life supportjust like Vtubers already do…

Then I’ll pour my cut of the profits into researching a free and local AI Omni-fu for all lonely weebs to enjoy, and…




  1. Comment by u/CatholicChanner from this post
  2. Actual scientific study from this post
  3. I swear I’m not a Sapling Ceres Fauna Dakimakura from here.
  • Dhs92
    10 months ago

    I wish there was an official SFW Fauna daki