the company says that Recall will be opt-in by default, so users will need to decide to turn it on

  • @eksb
    21119 days ago

    I feel for the hundreds of engineers at Microsoft who have been yelling about these security issues since day one, but cannot say “I told you so” because they’d get fired.

    • @[email protected]
      6719 days ago

      I survived a similar incident, telling our CEO at the time “you know our product can’t do that, right?” I had to show my receipts, present usability studies, and faced incredible pressure, but 2 CEOs later, I’m still here… :)

      Document everything. Keep good notes. You never know when it will be useful.

    • @[email protected]
      3119 days ago

      This is exactly what I was thinking. There are plenty of smart people that work there that would have said something before release. They were told to not rock the boat by the yes men and now Microsoft has to backpedal and pretend no one there thought about THOSE implications.