• Cyborganism
    625 days ago

    Yeah but the whole point here is that we expect the owner of the other computer to be very competent at keeping our stuff private. And if something happens to at least report it so we know and can try to mitigate the damages.

    • Nik282000
      925 days ago

      we expect the owner of the other computer to be very competent

      Why? If nothing else we have learned in the past 20 years that large operators are the ones MOST likely to get data leaked or stolen, literally every major platform has had at least one major cockup in that time. They are all motivated by profits first and security maybe third or lower.

      • @[email protected]
        525 days ago

        We expect people running an automotive repair facility to be competent with vehicle repair

        Why? 🥴🥴🥴

        • Tlaloc_Temporal
          325 days ago

          It’s the state of the industry.

          And I know several automotive repair facilities that so incompetent it must be malicious.

        • @[email protected]
          124 days ago

          A car repair place loses business if they don’t competently repair your car. That’s apparently not true for large tech companies for whatever reason.

          So if your car repair place sucks at fixing your car, you should find a better one or do it yourself. If your tech service sucks at protecting your data, you should find a better one or do it yourself.

      • Nate Cox
        425 days ago

        It’s not even a definite cockup, because being a large data provider means you are constantly under attack by intelligent, knowledgeable people intent on getting in. It’s surprising that it doesn’t happen far more often.

        The real problem is that all this is being stored in the first place.

    • DebatableRaccoon
      325 days ago

      That’s an insane level of professionalism and accountability you’re talking about there, friend.

      • Cyborganism
        225 days ago

        Yes. They have whole teams of nerds who excel at this. I’m just the one nerd who barely has the time to set up my own cloud at home, let alone monitor it.

        I used to when I was in college and worked actively against attacks and such. Now I don’t have time anymore.