• @onlinepersona
    112 days ago

    League has been and always will be bad. They don’t allow mods like in DotA 2, barely change the map, don’t make huge “WTF is going on???” patches, won’t mainline URF, don’t allow the game to change (if you’re playing a support hero, it may not be used as a carry otherwise it will be nerfed), the game is just in general stale af. Seasoned players and eSports watchers can call nearly all picks and bans ahead of time.

    The game is also grindy as hell. You don’t start out with access to all your champs and can’t just drop into a 10-20 minute match that doesn’t count and is a fun place to experiment. There aren’t tournaments for noobs and the lack of custom games also makes that less possible.

    The toxic community is only beaten by DotA’s community. The only thing going for league is that it makes money and has a dedicated team on it. Valve has maybe 5 staff working on DotA, does no marketing, no ads, no widespread press releases, … The only new players it got where simps for new heroes from their awful anime.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

    • @[email protected]
      412 days ago

      you’re spot on. I mean they depend on word of mouth for their marketing but when you have such a toxic community why would anyone in their right mind want to jump into that? I’d only say play it IF and ONLY IF you already have game pass and ONLY if you use said game pass for other shit simply because you get all the characters in League if you play with your game pass sub. I did that for a bit and honestly I spent most of the time just playing co-op against bots cause you didn’t have to deal with any toxic players.

      DotA 2, while free with all the characters unlocked, has an even worse community full of edge lords. and the ONE moba that was accessible to new players, easy to pick up, had great map variety, and not nearly as toxic a community is all but dead with Heroes of the Storm. In typical Blizzard fashion they dropped the ball with that one.

      • k_rol
        411 days ago

        I still play hots almost everyday. I do play with new players once in a while. Also the community is holding on to that game like crazy. I never wait to play and I rarely see the same names. They even deployed a couple new patches in the last 6 months.

        I think they should still put this game in Steam, maybe it could revive it.

      • @onlinepersona
        111 days ago

        I wanted to try Heroes of the Storm to play with Kerrigan and Doom, but they never made it cross platform, and I don’t think it was ever released on Steam. The idea of everybody levelling together instead of individually seemed like a great idea, but IMO that should’ve been a game mode instead of the main one.

        Anyway, no MOBAs for me anymore. Hopefully OpenChamp will become something great!

        Anti Commercial-AI license

        • @[email protected]
          511 days ago

          It’s a shame more non-blizzard companies didn’t try out some of the mechanics of HoTS. It’s the only MOBA I played and actually enjoyed. My favorite part was that there was no item shop to overcomplicate matchups and expected stats.

          • @[email protected]
            611 days ago

            that’s one of the reasons I loved it. no items and different maps that had different objectives. Also having mounts was great to quickly navigate the map.