I am not following these claims carefully, but I have seen tons of copies of Lawnchair in the Playstore.

Another recent event that comes to my mind is the Simple apps, which AFAIK they always were open source? But that didn’t matter until it got sold and then Fossify was the non shit version of it (the positive side of open source).

  • Dendr0
    143 months ago

    The “ThEy’Re GoInG tO taKe MAh COde!!” argument always comes off in the same manner elitist pricks do. Looking at their page, they’ve got a Tipping Calculator, and an App Store rehash. Nothing novel or exciting, so what exactly do they have in their codebase they’re worried about others seeing/using?

    • @refalo
      33 months ago

      open source licenses are only as useful as your ability to enforce them in court