• @tyler
    15 days ago

    I’m not sure which physical buttons you’re talking about. The ford tablet doesn’t have any physical buttons except this circular wheel in the center of the screen. https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/JYTMEoeu4iT9YEmHc6cE4ryal_0=/0x0:2040x1360/1400x1400/filters:focal(1020x680:1021x681)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19385929/sokane_191117_3793_6040.jpg

    And yeah the i5 is expensive. I’m very happy I’m able to afford it, but I know most people can’t. Used EV prices are absolutely crashing right now though. Donut Media did a video on how cheap they are only one year old so you could always try to get a used one. I really do think it was worth it for me. Charging at home is super cheap, never have to go buy gas, pretty much drives itself on the highway which makes driving way less stressful. There are of course problems with it, but they’re not too bad.

    • Xanthrax
      15 days ago

      Lmao, they’re fake buttons. Didn’t see that coming. If they were REAL buttons, I’m still sticking by that. Why do you want to argue?

      • @tyler
        3 days ago

        Huh? You said the ford has physical buttons and that makes it better. The ford doesn’t have physical buttons, it has digital ones. I’m not sure where the disconnect here is. Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying.

        Edit: I just saw your other comment (even though you deleted it, apparently I can still see it from my messages). The buttons are not physical, they just make them look like that in advertisements so people go to look at the car. They’re just a touch screen. It’s terrible.

        • Xanthrax
          2 days ago

          I’m laughing at myself and the fake buttons. They tricked me. That’s why I deleted the comment. You’re thinking about this too much.