I’m new to programming a bit, and am learning python so I can learn flask, using the python crash course book. I was learning about list comprehension but it briefly talks about it. If I do

list[list.append(value) for value in range(1, 20)]

it doesn’t work. Would this be some sort of recursive expression that is not possible?

  • @onlinepersona
    05 days ago

    Sure you can. As others have said, a list comprehension returns a new list. See the documentation.

    What are you trying to do though? Append a list comprehension to an existing list?

    See a modified version of @[email protected]’s code from their comment.

    def double(x):
      return 2 * x
    a = list(range(10))
    a.extend(double(value) for value in range(5))
    # a has 15 elements

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