Italy’s competition and consumer watchdog has announced an investigation into how Google gets users’ consent in order to link their activity across different services for ad profiling, saying it suspects the adtech giant of “unfair commercial practices.”

At issue here is how Google obtains consent from users in the European Union to link their activity across its apps and services — like Google Search, YouTube, Chrome and Maps. Linking user activity lets it profile them for ad targeting, the company’s main source of revenue.

  • @MajorHavoc
    172 months ago

    If we can agree to define “asking a human - who has a limited total number of hours to live - to read thousands of pages of terms of service that each invoke each-other” as “unfair”, then I’m in total agreement.

    And we absolutely should.

    • DebatableRaccoon
      2 months ago

      Not to mention written in language a majority of people aren’t trained to understand as well as being non-negotiable.

      • sunzu
        42 months ago

        Both are features of B2C contract law!

        Fuck you peasant!

        • DebatableRaccoon
          62 months ago

          Sadly I’m more than familiar with that sentiment over this past month. There’s only justice for those who can afford it.