I have not used an IDE since I ditched Turbo Pascal in middle school, but now I am at a place where everyone and their mother uses VS Code and so I’m giving it a shot.

The thing is, I’m finding the “just works” mantra is not true at all. Nothing is working out of the box. And then for each separate extension I have to figure out how to fix it. Or I just give up and circumvent it by using the terminal.

What’s even the point then?

IDK maybe its a matter of getting used to something new, but I was doing fine with just vim and tmux.

  • @onlinepersona
    22 months ago

    No way. I’m happy about the stuff it brought (LSP, remote debugging protocol, maybe other stuff), but VSCode itself is just not good enough and always takes a bunch of configuration to get working. It’s better than neovim, that’s for sure.

    If there were an opensource IDE with a GUI (not TUI) that didn’t use web rendering to draw its interface, worked on Linux, weren’t bought by yet another tech-overlord, and were comparable to a Jetbrains IDE, there’s a good chance it’d get my money. Until then, it’s Jetbrains for me. I hope they never go public.

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