The video is not new, but exurb1a summarises how privacy came to be and what privacy is for in a very entertaining way imo

  • Lemongrab
    51 month ago

    I didn’t watch the video, it may be a good one idk.

    I want to spread the word, exurb1a is a sexual abuser. Through on unethical/illegal psychological “experiment”, Alex (exurb1a) manipulated an autistic woman named Pieke and SA her. The details of the experiments is awful. He has tried hard to silence the Pieke, other victims, and their supporters.

    Here is some info:

    • @Zyansheep
      101 month ago

      Afaict there is no definitive proof or conviction of SA. All evidence available comes from Pieke and exurb1a doesn’t seem to want to publicly engage with the accusations. Here is a third perspective that covers the most relevant pieces of evidence. It looks bad for exurb1a and the evidence to me seems to show some level of manipulation and drug-related bad behavior on his part, but as always, for any severe accusation, it is good to trust victims, but one should also withhold definitive judgement on the accused until proven guilty (either by undeniable evidence or legal proceeding).