Every time people lament changes to the lore that amount to “not every member of species X is irredeemably evil” and claim the game is removing villains from it, I think how villains of so-caleld evil species fall into two cathegories: a) bland and boring and b)have something else, unrelated to their species going on for them, that makes them interesting.

  • @[email protected]
    461 month ago

    No quarrel there. The only interesting thing about evil races is when you subvert the trope, but as we’ve all been doing that since the 80s that’s just become another tired trope.

    Personally I just run campaigns where 90% of the people are humans.

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      90% of the people are humans

      I go with a setting where humans don’t exist at all. The closest is Elves, and picking them comes with a whole host of implications, like needing twice as much food to survive and everyone assuming you’re mega rich.

    • @[email protected]
      -371 month ago

      I prefer humans to be weak so nobody chooses them. Want a lizardborn x orc cleric? Sure. Want a human fighter? Well, theeeese enemies have + x on these stats against humans.

      • Skua
        381 month ago

        Why punish players that want to be a human?

          • JackbyDev
            111 month ago

            Well hold on, maybe I wanna bottom…

        • @[email protected]
          -201 month ago

          Cuz they always are either elf or human and that is boring. Also, I’m one of those bastards who force the players to role play, yet I’m no maniac who forces them to poop and pee.

            • @[email protected]
              -131 month ago

              To me! I love having post apocalyptic settings where humans are nearly extinct because they were too weak to defend themselves.

              One campaign I forced them to be human and they made it their own goal to eradicate all non-human humanoids from the Face of the world. Needless to say their creativity in overcoming their weaknesses was amazing.

          • Skua
            71 month ago

            Surely the RP is what makes a character interesting, not their species? If your character is only interesting because they’re an orc, in my opinion that’s a pretty boring character