Please mention the number of people in the startup, as it experiences probably vastly differ based on size

  • @madeindjs
    11 month ago

    Offtopic, but I was not aware that licence CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 prevents commercial AI to use your content. It’s a good idea to use it for this purpose

    • @[email protected]
      81 month ago

      And if you think that disclaimer actually means anything here I got some oceanfront property in Arizona for you…

      • @ericjmoreyM
        31 month ago

        It’s not a disclaimer, it’s a legal agreement for use of copyrighted work. It’s entirely on the author to enforce it and it will be expensive to attempt enforcement and the courts may not agree that it is enforceable or subject to copyright at all.

        So, yeah…

    • @onlinepersona
      31 month ago

      I’m not a lawyer, but I just figured that if commercial AI is getting in trouble for using copyrighted works, that using a license which prohibits commercial use while allowing other uses should have the same effect. Whether AI can legally consume copyrighted works is being tested in the court of law, so adding this to my comments is a “just in case” measure.

      Anti Commercial-AI license