The Python Steering Council has decided to suspend a core Python developer for three months for alleged Code of Conduct violations.

Citing the recommendation of the Code of Conduct Working Group, Python developer Thomas Wouters revealed on behalf of the Steering Council that the unidentified developer was deemed to have repeatedly violated the Python Software Foundation (PSF) Code of Conduct.

The suspended developer is Tim Peters, who told The Register it was fine to name him but declined to comment – beyond observing that one of his objections to the governance process is the secrecy involved.

  • @onlinepersona
    1 month ago

    Those are accusations and reasons provided by the PSF. Continue reading the article beyond that.

    In one titled “Inclusive communications expectations in Python spaces,” Peters pushed back on the notion that “Python old-timers are troglodyte reprobates” and expressed concern about Python’s Code of Conduct enforcement process.

    Is “Python old-timers are troglodyte reprobates” not worth pushing back against? What kind of atmosphere is created if ageism is OK?

    I’m not going to quote the rest, you can read it.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

    • @sus
      11 month ago

      “Troglodyte reprobates” was a term that Tim seemed to bring up himself from what seems to be pretty much out of the blue, so it’s a bit questionable

    • @zero_spelled_with_an_ecks
      01 month ago

      I’m not sure what your point is. You said to the parent comment in this thread that it wasn’t a right winger. I provided a quote from the article that supported that he was. Now you’re bringing up one thing that he pushed back against? I don’t think that balances out. He had a pattern of going against the code of conduct multiple times with about a third of his comments being called into question. Then you put words in my mouth saying I’m saying ageism is ok because I use the article to show his behavior is crappy. What’s your point? Ageism is bad? I agree. Peters is redeemed by that one push back? I disagree.

      • @onlinepersona
        11 month ago

        So is that how courts work for you? You are guilty because you are accused?

        Lawyer: Your honor, the defendant is accused of having said despicable thing and showing repulsive behavior. I quote from a newspaper article that quotes from a group, that doesn’t provide a source: […]
        Judge: The accusations are proof of wrong-doing and thus are sufficient to convict this criminal of being a “libertarian bro who only thinks of themself and tries to hide behind ‘just focus on the code!’, thinking it’ll excuse right-wing behavior”.

        That’s not how it works. I doubt @[email protected] read the article. You just quote accusations and provide it “evidence”, “proof” or as “support of who he was”, and not a single link to any of such action displayed in the accusations.

        The article describes exactly this fear of being sanctioned in secrecy without no links to evidence and you’re doing exactly that, just like OP.

        Anti Commercial-AI license