I am looking into getting started in web development and I came across The Odin Project. Unfortunately, I don’t have the money to pay for a course right now. I currently work in a senior desktop support and systems admin role and I am seeking to pivot into web development. Is this realistic? What advice or websites would you recommend for me? Thank you very much in advance!

  • @uhN0id
    31 year ago

    I used Odin Project as well as FreeCodeCamp when I was starting quite some years ago. I recommend FreeCodeCamp over Odin Project if you’re going to only use one but highly recommend both for different styles of learning. FreeCodeCamp had at the time (which could have changed now) a much wider range of things to learn. Odin tends to send you off on your own to read different things from different sources which isn’t a bad thing by any means but to me it felt less structured in that sense.

    Either way, check them both out. Odin was more Ruby language centric too IIRC.

    • HousePantherOP
      11 year ago

      Odin does seem to have a pure JavaScript path. I will check out FreeCodeCamp as well.

      • @uhN0id
        11 year ago

        Oh I just saw that haha. Decided to check for myself after my comment. Honestly do both. Start with Odin then try FreeCodeCamp. Odin does less hand holding so it’s a good lesson in that alone.

        • HousePantherOP
          11 year ago

          I get the value of doing it on one’s own but I need more hand holding in the beginning so rhat I can build some foundational knowledge. Once I have that, I enjoy deductive learning very much. I will use both resources.