• @Scoopta
    215 days ago

    Meanwhile one of my projects is running my own caching CDN for my sites(personal not production)

    • JadeOP
      114 days ago

      That sounds fun! Have you written about it?

      • @Scoopta
        114 days ago

        No I haven’t 🤔. That’s an interesting idea, I don’t have a blog or talk about my projects really. They’re just something for me to do and learn. I guess I just kinda assumed that since I’m using it as a learning experience I’m not really qualified to write about it

        • JadeOP
          114 days ago

          You should! You don’t have to be qualified to have something interesting to say - and you’re doing it, so you know more than most people!

    • @cosmicbytes
      113 days ago

      I thought the point of a CDN is that its available at edge locations. Do you have multiple servers geographically dispersed? If so, can you explain what else makes it a CDN?

      Sorry if my comment comes off as snarky, when I read it, it sounds like that, but I promise it is not my intention!

      • @Scoopta
        12 days ago

        All good. I do, I have 2 geographically separated load balancers that do edge caching for images on my screenshot site. The 2 load balancers are anycasted(I have my own ARIN address space) so clients are routed to the nearest PoP based on AS Path. Maybe one day I’ll add more PoPs but I only setup 2 as otherwise it’ll get kinda expensive for my personal screenshot website for little to no gain. It was mainly a, I want to setup my own CDN, rather than anything practical. I will say, when loading the home page while signed in you can SEE the load time differences in the cached images vs private images which are flagged to bypass the edge cache so it does work.