“We seem to have lost our belief in a market economy somewhat and our trust that letting go can lead to something great,” he said. “The government does not have to subsidise and compensate for everything. People flourish in freedom, as does innovation. And that is what we need to drive up productivity.”

Separate article with more details on the proposed budget.

  • namingthingsiseasyOP
    6 months ago

    What annoys me most is typical liberals like this talk about “the economy” in a singular sense, and whether something can be simply “good” or “bad” for the economy as a whole. To them, “good for the economy” is a translation for the ultra-wealthy getting even wealthier (because they are the ones most invested in it). No consideration of whether this is beneficial for average people or not. I suppose we’re supposed to be happy that our overlords are padding their accounts with even more zeroes? Hooray…

    I really hope that we can try to change the dialogue around what the economy really is and how its effects are not uniform across the entire human population.