Well that took a while but its finally here.

But also incoming Moon channel video now

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    22 hours ago

    Considering they’re going for patent infringement and not copyright infringement, it’s possible it just took this long for Nintendo’s legal department to find something even remotely tangible that they could sue over. And since they haven’t said what patents Palworld infringes on, I have to assume whatever it is, is very flimsy.

    • Hotdog SalesmanOP
      1621 hours ago

      Despite their reputation for being quick, my opinion is that Nintendo does often take their time. Most of the things they take down do exist for months or years (and also follow the same format of a ROM hack that got a lot of attention so easy copy paste). My assumption is they’re just dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s and patent is just what they think they’ll have the best chance at winning.

      • @[email protected]
        1118 hours ago

        Going back to Yuzu, Nintendo was in Discord and all over the place monitoring and collecting evidence even since Tears of the Kingdom launch. It took almost a year before the final attack with overwhelming number and secured evidence. Nintendo is not fucking around and is serious, that’s for sure. So if Nintendo attacks, they often have a point or (legal) reason to.

        That’s why I’m so curious in this case. I would hope that Nintendo being (legally) wrong for once.