You could’ve gone with Radial centrism though
Hey, he could be gay and the bottom
It’s easy to win when no one shows up to compete.
On an unrelated note, her PhD topic is along the lines of obstacles to women in breaking.
I think it’s because they released their earnings report and it was positive actually
Martial law was declared at 11pm and thr vote was passed at 1am. With the military blockading the parliament and a relatively short time frame when some may be asleep, I think many of those 110 can be given some slack.
Now, some of them may have voted against had they shown up, but I don’t think it’s fair to paint all of them as cowards.
Soybeans are the big one they hit last time
College educated US women iirc. I found the source at some point
They do do it in C. The packages are written in C, python is just used as the wrapper to allow less coding skilled data scientists to easily use it.
That’s like the entire data science joke. It’s C in a python trench coat.
Personally it makes more sense to me to not deal with cash. Most people prefer card now and it makes you a lower target to be robbed if there’s no cash
What are you having for dinner tonight?
While some will try, I doubt it l. There’s just not enough currency reserves for anything except the US dollar to take that spot
Quantum is when very small things are very fucky
One of them does say no added sugar
It’s so bad they revised how they were measuring it to make it look better.
And then it continued to go up anyway
They’ve been saying it since 1.1.2. In 2012. There have been 12 major patches since then if you count all the 1.2.X patches as one.
RIP Terraria 2. Rest in piece
Isn’t that heavily implied last chapter. Like basically spelled out
The target demographic of the 90 tier is grouped on two:
I personally found HPMOR to be self aggrandising garbage that throws around scientific terms to try and be rationalist but uses them all wrong anyway.
Also the authors a cult leader. Somehow.